
ScrollLock is a content-free React component for declaratively preventing scroll bleed from modal UI to the page body. This component applies a lockscroll class to the document.documentElement and document.scrollingElement elements to stop the body from scrolling. When it is present, the lock is applied.


Declare scroll locking as part of modal UI.

import { useState } from 'react';
import { ScrollLock, Button } from '@wordpress/components';

const MyScrollLock = () => {
    const [ isScrollLocked, setIsScrollLocked ] = useState( false );

    const toggleLock = () => {
        setIsScrollLocked( ( locked ) => ! locked ) );

    return (
            <Button variant="secondary" onClick={ toggleLock }>
                Toggle scroll lock
            { isScrollLocked && <ScrollLock /> }
                Scroll locked:
                <strong>{ isScrollLocked ? 'Yes' : 'No' }</strong>