
This feature is still experimental. “Experimental” means this is an early implementation subject to drastic and breaking changes.

Text is a core component that renders text in the library, using the library’s typography system.


Text can be used to render any text-content, like an HTML p or span.

import { __experimentalText as Text } from '@wordpress/components';

function Example() {
    return <Text>Code is Poetry</Text>;



Type: "large","medium","small","xSmall"

Automatically calculate the appropriate line-height value for contents that render text and Control elements (e.g. TextInput).

import { __experimentalText as Text, TextInput } from '@wordpress/components';

function Example() {
    return (
        <Text adjustLineHeightForInnerControls={"small"}>
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
            <TextInput value="adipiscing elit..." />


Type: CSSProperties['textAlign']

Adjusts the text alignment.

import { __experimentalText as Text } from '@wordpress/components';

function Example() {
    return (
        <Text align="center" isBlock>
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit...


Type: CSSProperties['color']

Adjusts the text color.


Type: CSSProperties['display']

Adjusts the CSS display.


Type: string

The ellipsis string when truncate is set.


Type: "auto","head","tail","middle"

Determines where to truncate. For example, we can truncate text right in the middle. To do this, we need to set ellipsizeMode to middle and a text limit.

  • auto: Trims content at the end automatically without a limit.
  • head: Trims content at the beginning. Requires a limit.
  • middle: Trims content in the middle. Requires a limit.
  • tail: Trims content at the end. Requires a limit.


Type: boolean

Escape characters in highlightWords which are meaningful in regular expressions.


Type: boolean

Determines if highlightWords should be case sensitive.


Type: boolean

Array of search words. String search terms are automatically cast to RegExps unless highlightEscape is true.


Type: any[]

Letters or words within Text can be highlighted using highlightWords.

import { __experimentalText as Text } from '@wordpress/components';

function Example() {
    return (
        <Text highlightWords={ [ 'pi' ] }>
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ex
            neque, vulputate a diam et, luctus convallis lacus. Vestibulum ac
            mollis mi. Morbi id elementum massa. Suspendisse interdum auctor
            ligula eget cursus. In fermentum ultricies mauris, pharetra
            fermentum erat pellentesque id.


Type: boolean

Sets Text to have display: block.

Note: text truncation only works when isBlock is false.


Type: boolean

Renders a destructive color.


Type: number

Determines the max characters when truncate is set.


Type: CSSProperties['lineHeight']

Adjusts all text line-height based on the typography system.


Type: number

Clamps the text content to the specific numberOfLines, adding the ellipsis at the end.


Type: CSSProperties['color']

The Text color can be adapted to a background color for optimal readability. optimizeReadabilityFor can accept CSS variables, in addition to standard CSS color values (e.g. Hex, RGB, HSL, etc…).

import { __experimentalText as Text, View } from '@wordpress/components';

function Example() {
    const backgroundColor = 'blue';

    return (
        <View css={ { backgroundColor } }>
            <Text optimizeReadabilityFor={ backgroundColor }>
                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Type: CSSProperties['fontSize'],TextSize

Adjusts text size based on the typography system. Text can render a wide range of font sizes, which are automatically calculated and adapted to the typography system. The size value can be a system preset, a number, or a custom unit value (string) such as 30em.

import { __experimentalText as Text } from '@wordpress/components';

function Example() {
    return <Text size="largeTitle">Code is Poetry</Text>;


Type: boolean

Enables text truncation. When truncate is set, we are able to truncate the long text in a variety of ways.

Note: text truncation won’t work if the isBlock property is set to true

import { __experimentalText as Text } from '@wordpress/components';

function Example() {
    return (
        <Text truncate>
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ex
            neque, vulputate a diam et, luctus convallis lacus. Vestibulum ac
            mollis mi. Morbi id elementum massa. Suspendisse interdum auctor
            ligula eget cursus. In fermentum ultricies mauris, pharetra
            fermentum erat pellentesque id.


Type: boolean

Uppercases the text content.


Type: "muted"

Adjusts style variation of the text.

import { __experimentalText as Text } from '@wordpress/components';

function Example() {
    return <Text variant="muted">Code is Poetry</Text>;


Type: CSSProperties['fontWeight'],TextWeight

Adjusts font-weight of the text.