
In this article

Allows you to render a raw icon without any initial styling or wrappers.


With a Dashicon

import { Icon } from '@wordpress/components';

const MyIcon = () => <Icon icon="screenoptions" />;

With a function

import { Icon } from '@wordpress/components';

const MyIcon = () => (
        icon={ () => (
                <path d="M5 4v3h5.5v12h3V7H19V4z" />
        ) }

With a Component

import { MyIconComponent } from '../my-icon-component';
import { Icon } from '@wordpress/components';

const MyIcon = () => <Icon icon={ MyIconComponent } />;

With an SVG

import { Icon } from '@wordpress/components';

const MyIcon = () => (
                <path d="M5 4v3h5.5v12h3V7H19V4z" />

Specifying a className

import { Icon } from '@wordpress/components';

const MyIcon = () => <Icon icon="screenoptions" className="example-class" />;


The component accepts the following props. Any additional props are passed through to the underlying icon element.


The icon to render. Supported values are: Dashicons (specified as strings), functions, Component instances and null.

  • Type: String|Function|Component|null
  • Required: No
  • Default: null


The size (width and height) of the icon.

  • Type: Number
  • Required: No
  • Default: 20 when a Dashicon is rendered, 24 for all other icons.