
Slot and Fill are a pair of components which enable developers to render React UI elsewhere in a React element tree, a pattern often referred to as “portal” rendering. It is a pattern for component extensibility, where a single Slot may be occupied by multiple Fills rendered in different parts of the application.

Slot/Fill was originally inspired by the react-slot-fill library.


At the root of your application, you must render a SlotFillProvider which coordinates Slot and Fill rendering.

Then, render a Slot component anywhere in your application, giving it a name. The name is either a string or a symbol. Symbol names are useful for slots that are supposed to be private, accessible only to clients that have access to the symbol value.

Any Fill will render its UI in this Slot space, even if rendered elsewhere in the application.

You can either use the Fill component directly, or create a wrapper component (as in the following example) to hide the slot name from the consumer.

import {
} from '@wordpress/components';

const MySlotFillProvider = () => {
    const MyPanelSlot = () => (
        <Panel header="Panel with slot">
                <Slot name="MyPanelSlot" />

    MyPanelSlot.Content = () => <Fill name="MyPanelSlot">Panel body</Fill>;

    return (
            <MyPanelSlot />
            <MyPanelSlot.Content />

There is also the createSlotFill helper method which was created to simplify the process of matching the corresponding Slot and Fill components:

const { Fill, Slot } = createSlotFill( 'Toolbar' );

const ToolbarItem = () => <Fill>My item</Fill>;

const Toolbar = () => (
    <div className="toolbar">
        <Slot />


The SlotFillProvider component does not accept any props (except children).

Both Slot and Fill accept a name string prop, where a Slot with a given name will render the children of any associated Fills.

Slot accepts a bubblesVirtually prop which changes the method how the Fill children are rendered. With bubblesVirtually, the Fill is rendered using a React portal. That affects the event bubbling and React context propagation behaviour:


  • events will bubble to their parents on the DOM hierarchy (native event bubbling)
  • the React elements inside the Fill will be rendered with React context of the Slot
  • renders the Fill elements directly, inside a Fragment, with no wrapper DOM element


  • events will bubble to their virtual (React) parent in the React elements hierarchy
  • the React elements inside the Fill will keep the React context of the Fill and its parents
  • renders a wrapper DOM element inside which the Fill elements are rendered (used as an argument for React createPortal)

Slot with bubblesVirtually=true renders a wrapper DOM element (a div by default) and accepts additional props that customize this element, like className or style. You can also replace the div with another element by passing an as prop.

Slot without bubblesVirtually accepts an optional children prop, which is a function that receives fills array as a param. It allows you to perform additional processing: render a placeholder when there are no fills, or render a wrapper only when there are fills.


const Toolbar = ( { isMobile } ) => (
    <div className="toolbar">
        <Slot name="Toolbar">
            { ( fills ) => {
                return isMobile && fills.length > 3 ? (
                    <div className="toolbar__mobile-long">{ fills }</div>
                ) : (
            } }

Additional information (props) can also be passed from a Slot to a Fill by a combination of:
1. Adding a fillProps prop to the Slot.
2. Passing a function as children to the Fill. This function will receive the fillProps as an argument.

const { Fill, Slot } = createSlotFill( 'Toolbar' );

const ToolbarItem = () => (
        { ( { hideToolbar } ) => {
            <Button onClick={ hideToolbar }>Hide</Button>;
        } }

const Toolbar = () => {
    const hideToolbar = () => {
        console.log( 'Hide toolbar' );
    return (
        <div className="toolbar">
            <Slot fillProps={ { hideToolbar } } />