
Panels expand and collapse multiple sections of content.

Design guidelines


A Panel is a single section of content that can be expanded or collapsed as needed.

Panel anatomy

  1. Panel
  2. Body
  3. Divider


Panels show and hide details of list items by expanding and collapsing list content vertically. Panels help users see only the content they need.

When to use Panels

Use Panels when it’s helpful to:

  • See an overview of multiple, related sections of content.
  • Show and hide those sections as needed.
  • Hide information that is lower priority that users don’t need to see all the time.
  • View more than one section at a time.

Consider an alternative component when:

  • There’s crucial information or error messages that require immediate action.
  • You need to quickly switch between only a few sections (consider using Tabs instead).


Expand and collapse

Show and hide details of existing panel items by expanding and collapsing list content vertically.

Collapsible panels are indicated with a caret icon that is flipped when expanded. Carets are preferable over a plus or arrow icon, because a plus indicates addition, and arrows are closely related to navigation.

Panels should be expanded by default if the content is important or essential. Panels that are open by default should appear at the top.

Development guidelines

The Panel creates a container with a header that can take collapsible PanelBody components to easily create a user friendly interface for affecting state and attributes.


import { Panel, PanelBody, PanelRow } from '@wordpress/components';
import { more } from '@wordpress/icons';

const MyPanel = () => (
    <Panel header="My Panel">
        <PanelBody title="My Block Settings" icon={ more } initialOpen={ true }>
            <PanelRow>My Panel Inputs and Labels</PanelRow>



header: string

The text that will be rendered as the title of the panel. Text will be rendered inside an
<h2> tag.

  • Required: No
className: string

The CSS class to apply to the wrapper element.

  • Required: No
children: React.ReactNode

The content to display within the panel row.

  • Required: Yes


The PanelBody creates a collapsible container that can be toggled open or closed.

title: string

Title text. It shows even when the component is closed.

  • Required: No
opened: boolean

When set to true, the component will remain open regardless of the initialOpen prop and the
panel will be prevented from being closed.

  • Required: No
className: string

The CSS class to apply to the wrapper element.

  • Required: No
icon: JSX.Element

An icon to be shown next to the title.

  • Required: No
onToggle: ( next: boolean ) => void;

A function that is called any time the component is toggled from its closed state to its
opened state, or vice versa.

  • Required: No
  • Default: noop
initialOpen: boolean

Whether or not the panel will start open.

  • Required: No
  • Default: true
children: | React.ReactNode | ( ( props: { opened: boolean } ) => React.ReactNode )

The content to display in the PanelBody. If a function is provided for this prop, it will receive an object with the opened prop as an argument.

  • Required: No
buttonProps: WordPressComponentProps<Omit< ButtonAsButtonProps, 'icon' >, 'button', false>

Props that are passed to the Button component in title within the PanelBody.

  • Required: No
  • Default: {}
scrollAfterOpen: boolean

Scrolls the content into view when visible. This improves the UX when multiple PanelBody
components are stacked in a scrollable container.

  • Required: No
  • Default: true


PanelRow is a generic container for rows within a PanelBody. It is a flex container with a top margin for spacing.

className: string

The CSS class to apply to the wrapper element.

  • Required: No
children: React.ReactNode

The content to display within the panel row.

  • Required: No

PanelRow accepts a forwarded ref that will be added to the wrapper div. Usage:

<PanelRow className="edit-post-post-schedule" ref={ panelRowRef }>


PanelHeader renders the header for the Panel. This is used by the Panel component under the hood, so it does not typically need to be used.

label: string

The text that will be rendered as the title of the Panel. Will be rendered in an <h2> tag.

  • Required: No
children: React.ReactNode

The content to display within the panel row.

  • Required: No
  • To divide related sections of content accessed by a horizontal menu, use TabPanel