
withFilters is a part of Native Gutenberg Extensibility. It is also a React higher-order component.

Wrapping a component with withFilters provides a filtering capability controlled externally by the hookName.


import { withFilters } from '@wordpress/components';
import { addFilter } from '@wordpress/hooks';

const MyComponent = ( { title } ) => <h1>{ title }</h1>;

const ComponentToAppend = () => <div>Appended component</div>;

function withComponentAppended( FilteredComponent ) {
    return ( props ) => (
            <FilteredComponent { ...props } />
            <ComponentToAppend />


const MyComponentWithFilters = withFilters( 'MyHookName' )( MyComponent );

withFilters expects a string argument which provides a hook name. It returns a function which can then be used in composing your component. The hook name allows plugin developers to customize or completely override the component passed to this higher-order component using wp.hooks.addFilter method.

It is also possible to override props by implementing a higher-order component which works as follows:

import { withFilters } from '@wordpress/components';
import { addFilter } from '@wordpress/hooks';

const MyComponent = ( { hint, title } ) => (
        <h1>{ title }</h1>
        <p>{ hint }</p>

function withHintOverridden( FilteredComponent ) {
    return ( props ) => (
        <FilteredComponent { ...props } hint="Overridden hint" />

addFilter( 'MyHookName', 'my-plugin/with-hint-overridden', withHintOverridden );

const MyComponentWithFilters = withFilters( 'MyHookName' )( MyComponent );