
This feature is still experimental. “Experimental” means this is an early implementation subject to drastic and breaking changes.

This component provides users with the ability to configure a single “flat”
border or separate borders per side.

Development guidelines

The BorderBoxControl effectively has two view states. The first, a “linked”
view, allows configuration of a flat border via a single BorderControl.
The second, a “split” view, contains a BorderControl for each side
as well as a visualizer for the currently selected borders. Each view also
contains a button to toggle between the two.

When switching from the “split” view to “linked”, if the individual side
borders are not consistent, the “linked” view will display any border properties
selections that are consistent while showing a mixed state for those that
aren’t. For example, if all borders had the same color and style but different
widths, then the border dropdown in the “linked” view’s BorderControl would
show that consistent color and style but the “linked” view’s width input would
show “Mixed” placeholder text.


import { useState } from 'react';
import { __experimentalBorderBoxControl as BorderBoxControl } from '@wordpress/components';
import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';

const colors = [
    { name: 'Blue 20', color: '#72aee6' },
    // ...

const MyBorderBoxControl = () => {
    const defaultBorder = {
        color: '#72aee6',
        style: 'dashed',
        width: '1px',
    const [ borders, setBorders ] = useState( {
        top: defaultBorder,
        right: defaultBorder,
        bottom: defaultBorder,
        left: defaultBorder,
    } );
    const onChange = ( newBorders ) => setBorders( newBorders );

    return (
            colors={ colors }
            label={ __( 'Borders' ) }
            onChange={ onChange }
            value={ borders }

If you’re using this component outside the editor, you can
ensure Tooltip positioning
for the BorderBoxControl‘s color and style options, by rendering your
BorderBoxControl with a Popover.Slot further up the element tree and within
a SlotFillProvider overall.


colors: ( PaletteObject | ColorObject )[]

An array of color definitions. This may also be a multi-dimensional array where
colors are organized by multiple origins.

Each color may be an object containing a name and color value.

  • Required: No
  • Default: []

disableCustomColors: boolean

This toggles the ability to choose custom colors.

  • Required: No

enableAlpha: boolean

This controls whether the alpha channel will be offered when selecting
custom colors.

  • Required: No
  • Default: false

enableStyle: boolean

This controls whether to support border style selections.

  • Required: No
  • Default: true

hideLabelFromVision: boolean

Provides control over whether the label will only be visible to screen readers.

  • Required: No

label: string

If provided, a label will be generated using this as the content.

Whether it is visible only to screen readers is controlled via

  • Required: No

onChange: ( value?: Object ) => void

A callback function invoked when any border value is changed. The value received
may be a “flat” border object, one that has properties defining individual side
borders, or undefined.

Note: The will be undefined if a user clears all borders.

  • Required: Yes

popoverPlacement: string

The position of the color popovers relative to the control wrapper.

By default, popovers are displayed relative to the button that initiated the popover. By supplying a popover placement, you force the popover to display in a specific location.

The available base placements are ‘top’, ‘right’, ‘bottom’, ‘left’. Each of these base placements has an alignment in the form -start and -end. For example, ‘right-start’, or ‘bottom-end’. These allow you to align the tooltip to the edges of the button, rather than centering it.

  • Required: No

popoverOffset: number

The space between the popover and the control wrapper.

  • Required: No

size: string

Size of the control.

  • Required: No
  • Default: default
  • Allowed values: default, __unstable-large

value: Object

An object representing the current border configuration.

This may be a “flat” border where the object has color, style, and width
properties or a “split” border which defines the previous properties but for
each side; top, right, bottom, and left.


const flatBorder = { color: '#72aee6', style: 'solid', width: '1px' };
const splitBorders = {
    top: { color: '#72aee6', style: 'solid', width: '1px' },
    right: { color: '#e65054', style: 'dashed', width: '2px' },
    bottom: { color: '#68de7c', style: 'solid', width: '1px' },
    left: { color: '#f2d675', style: 'dotted', width: '1em' },
  • Required: No

__next40pxDefaultSize: boolean

Start opting into the larger default height that will become the default size in a future version.

  • Required: No
  • Default: false