
SelectControl allow users to select from a single or multiple option menu. It functions as a wrapper around the browser’s native <select> element.

A “Link To” select with “none” selected.

Design guidelines


When to use a select control

Use a select control when:

  • You want users to select one or more options from a list.
  • There is a strong default option.
  • There is little available space.
  • The contents of the hidden part of the menu are obvious from its label and the one selected item. For example, if you have an option menu labelled “Month:” with the item “January” selected, the user might reasonably infer that the menu contains the 12 months of the year without having to look.

If you have a shorter list of options, consider using RadioControl instead.

Use selects when you have multiple options.

Use selects for binary questions.


A SelectControl includes a double-arrow indicator. The menu appears layered over the select.

Opening and Closing

Once the menu is displayed onscreen, it remains open until the user chooses a menu item, clicks outside of the menu, or switches to another browser tab.

Content Guidelines


Label the SelectControl with a text label above it, or to its left, using sentence capitalization. Clicking the label allows the user to focus directly on the select.

Position the label above, or to the left of, the select.

Position the label centered over the select, or right aligned against the side of the select.

Menu Items

  • Menu items should be short — ideally, single words — and use sentence capitalization.
  • Do not use full sentences inside menu items.
  • Ensure that menu items are ordered in a way that is most useful to users. Alphabetical or recency ordering is preferred.

Use short menu items.

Use sentences in your menu.

Development guidelines


Render a user interface to select the size of an image.

import { useState } from 'react';
import { SelectControl } from '@wordpress/components';

const MySelectControl = () => {
    const [ size, setSize ] = useState( '50%' );

    return (
            value={ size }
            options={ [
                { label: 'Big', value: '100%' },
                { label: 'Medium', value: '50%' },
                { label: 'Small', value: '25%' },
            ] }
            onChange={ ( newSize ) => setSize( newSize ) }

Render a user interface to select multiple users from a list.

    label={ __( 'User' ) }
    value={ this.state.users } // e.g: value = [ 'a', 'c' ]
    onChange={ ( users ) => {
        this.setState( { users } );
    } }
    options={ [
        { value: '', label: 'Select a User', disabled: true },
        { value: 'a', label: 'User A' },
        { value: 'b', label: 'User B' },
        { value: 'c', label: 'User c' },
    ] }

Render a user interface to select items within groups

const [ item, setItem ] = useState( '' );

// ...

    label={ __( 'My dinosaur' ) }
    value={ item } // e.g: value = 'a'
    onChange={ ( selection ) => { setItem( selection ) } }
    <optgroup label="Theropods">
        <option value="Tyrannosaurus">Tyrannosaurus</option>
        <option value="Velociraptor">Velociraptor</option>
        <option value="Deinonychus">Deinonychus</option>
    <optgroup label="Sauropods">
        <option value="Diplodocus">Diplodocus</option>
        <option value="Saltasaurus">Saltasaurus</option>
        <option value="Apatosaurus">Apatosaurus</option>


  • The set of props accepted by the component will be specified below.
  • Props not included in this set will be applied to the select element.
  • One important prop to refer is value. If multiple is true, value should be an array with the values of the selected options.
  • If multiple is false, value should be equal to the value of the selected option.


If this property is added, a label will be generated using label property as the content.

  • Type: String
  • Required: No


The position of the label (top, side, or bottom).

  • Type: String
  • Required: No


If true, the label will only be visible to screen readers.

  • Type: Boolean
  • Required: No


If this property is added, a help text will be generated using help property as the content.

  • Type: String|Element
  • Required: No


If this property is added, multiple values can be selected. The value passed should be an array.

In most cases, it is preferable to use the FormTokenField or CheckboxControl components instead.

  • Type: Boolean
  • Required: No


An array of objects containing the following properties, as well as any other option element attributes:

  • label: (string) The label to be shown to the user.
  • value: (string) The internal value used to choose the selected value. This is also the value passed to onChange when the option is selected.
  • disabled: (boolean) Whether or not the option should have the disabled attribute.
  • Type: Array
  • Required: No


An alternative to the options prop.
Use the children prop to have more control on the style of the items being rendered, like optgroups or options and possibly avoid re-rendering due to the reference update on the options prop.
– Type: ReactNode
– Required: No


A function that receives the value of the new option that is being selected as input.
If multiple is true the value received is an array of the selected value.
If multiple is false the value received is a single value with the new selected value.

  • Type: function
  • Required: Yes


The value of the selected option. If multiple is true, the value should be an array with the values of the selected options.

  • Type: String|String[]
  • Required: No


The style variant of the control.

  • Type: 'default' | 'minimal'
  • Required: No
  • Default: 'default'


Start opting into the larger default height that will become the default size in a future version.

  • Type: Boolean
  • Required: No
  • Default: false


Start opting into the new margin-free styles that will become the default in a future version.

  • Type: Boolean
  • Required: No
  • Default: false
  • To select one option from a set, and you want to show them all the available options at once, use the Radio component.
  • To select one or more items from a set, use the CheckboxControl component.
  • To toggle a single setting on or off, use the ToggleControl component.