
Navigator is a collection components that allow rendering nested views/panels/menus (via the Navigator.Screen component) and navigate between them (via the Navigator.Button and Navigator.BackButton components).


import { Navigator } from '@wordpress/components';

const MyNavigation = () => (
    <Navigator initialPath="/">
        <Navigator.Screen path="/">
            <p>This is the home screen.</p>
            <Navigator.Button path="/child">
                Navigate to child screen.
        <Navigator.Screen path="/child">
            <p>This is the child screen.</p>
            <Navigator.BackButton>Go back</Navigator.BackButton>

Hierarchical paths

Navigator assumes that screens are organized hierarchically according to their path, which should follow a URL-like scheme where each path segment starts with and is separated by the / character.

Navigator will treat “back” navigations as going to the parent screen — it is, therefore, the responsibility of the consumer of the component to create the correct screen hierarchy.

For example:

  • / is the root of all paths. There should always be a screen with path="/";
  • /parent/child is a child of /parent;
  • /parent/child/grand-child is a child of /parent/child;
  • /parent/:param is a child of /parent as well;
  • if the current screen has a path="/parent/child/grand-child", when going “back” Navigator will try to recursively navigate the path hierarchy until a matching screen (or the root /) is found.

Height and animations

Due to how Navigator.Screen animations work, it is recommended that the Navigator component is assigned a height to prevent some potential UI jumps while moving across screens.

Individual components

Navigator is comprised of four individual components:

  • Navigator: a wrapper component and context provider. It holds the main logic for hiding and showing screens.
  • Navigator.Screen: represents a single view/screen/panel;
  • Navigator.Button: renders a button that allows navigating to a different Navigator.Screen;
  • Navigator.BackButton: renders a button that allows navigating to the parent Navigator.Screen (see the section above about hierarchical paths).

For advanced usages, consumers can use the useNavigator hook.


initialPath: string

The initial active path.

  • Required: Yes
children: string

The children elements.

  • Required: Yes


path: string

The screen’s path, matched against the current path stored in the navigator.

Navigator assumes that screens are organized hierarchically according to their path, which should follow a URL-like scheme where each path segment starts with and is separated by the / character.

Navigator will treat “back” navigations as going to the parent screen — it is, therefore, the responsibility of the consumer of the component to create the correct screen hierarchy.

For example:

  • / is the root of all paths. There should always be a screen with path="/".
  • /parent/child is a child of /parent.
  • /parent/child/grand-child is a child of /parent/child.
  • /parent/:param is a child of /parent as well.
  • if the current screen has a path with value /parent/child/grand-child, when going “back” Navigator will try to recursively navigate the path hierarchy until a matching screen (or the root /) is found.

  • Required: Yes

children: string

The children elements.

  • Required: Yes


path: string

The path of the screen to navigate to. The value of this prop needs to be a valid value for an HTML attribute.

  • Required: Yes
attributeName: string

The HTML attribute used to identify the Navigator.Button, which is used by Navigator to restore focus.

  • Required: No
  • Default: id
children: string

The children elements.

  • Required: No
Inherited props

Navigator.Button also inherits all of the Button props, except for href and target.


children: string

The children elements.

  • Required: No
Inherited props

Navigator.BackButton also inherits all of the Button props, except for href and target.


You can retrieve a navigator instance by using the useNavigator hook.


The navigator instance has a few properties:

goTo: ( path: string, options: NavigateOptions ) => void

The goTo function allows navigating to a given path. The second argument can augment the navigation operations with different options.

The available options are:

  • focusTargetSelector: string. An optional property used to specify the CSS selector used to restore focus on the matching element when navigating back;
  • isBack: boolean. An optional property used to specify whether the navigation should be considered as backwards (thus enabling focus restoration when possible, and causing the animation to be backwards too);
  • skipFocus: boolean. An optional property used to opt out of Navigator‘s focus management, useful when the consumer of the component wants to manage focus themselves;
goBack: ( path: string, options: NavigateOptions ) => void

The goBack function allows navigating to the parent screen. Parent/child navigation only works if the paths you define are hierarchical (see note above).

When a match is not found, the function will try to recursively navigate the path hierarchy until a matching screen (or the root /) is found.

The available options are the same as for the goTo method, except for the isBack property, which is not available for the goBack method.

location: NavigatorLocation

The location object represents the current location, and has a few properties:

  • path: string. The path associated to the location.
  • isBack: boolean. A flag that is true when the current location was reached by navigating backwards.
  • isInitial: boolean. A flag that is true only for the initial location.
params: Record< string, string | string[] >

The parsed record of parameters from the current location. For example if the current screen path is /product/:productId and the location is /product/123, then params will be { productId: '123' }.