wp_parse_args( string|array|object $args, array $defaults = array() ): array

Merges user defined arguments into defaults array.


This function is used throughout WordPress to allow for both string or array to be merged into another array.


Value to merge with $defaults.
Array that serves as the defaults.



array Merged user defined values with defaults.

More Information

wp_parse_args is a generic utility for merging together an array of arguments and an array of default values. It can also be given a URL query type string which will be converted into an array (i.e. "id=5&status=draft").

It is used throughout WordPress to avoid having to worry about the logic of defaults and input and produces a stable pattern for passing arguments around. Functions like query_posts, wp_list_comments and get_terms are common examples of the simplifying power of wp_parse_args.

Functions that have an $args based setting are able to infinitely expand the number of values that can potentially be passed into them, avoiding the annoyance of super-long function calls because there are too many arguments to keep track of, many of whose only function is to override usually-good defaults on rare occasions.


function wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults = array() ) {
	if ( is_object( $args ) ) {
		$parsed_args = get_object_vars( $args );
	} elseif ( is_array( $args ) ) {
		$parsed_args =& $args;
	} else {
		wp_parse_str( $args, $parsed_args );

	if ( is_array( $defaults ) && $defaults ) {
		return array_merge( $defaults, $parsed_args );
	return $parsed_args;


2.3.0$args can now also be an object.

User Contributed Notes

  1. Skip to note 5 content

    Basic usage:

    function wpdocs_my_function( $args ) {
      $defaults = array(
        'name' => 'Mr. nobody',
        'favorite_color' => 'unknown',
        'age' => 'unknown',
      $args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
      print_r( $args );
    $args = array( 'age' => 36 );
    wpdocs_my_function( $args );
    // Output:
    // Array(
    //   'name' => 'Mr. nobody',
    //   'favorite_color' => 'unknown',
    //   'age' => 36,
    // )
  2. Skip to note 7 content

    Below is an example function using the wp_parse_args system to manage its single $args argument, which could be given whatever values you wanted.
    In this case $args stores detailed display overrides, a pattern found in many WordPress functions.

     * Define a new function that uses $args and wp_parse_args()
    function wpdocs_explain_parse_args( $args ) {
    	$defaults = array (
    		'text' => 'wp_parse_args() merges $args into $defaults',
    		'before' => "<p>",
    		'after' => "</p> \n",
     		'echo' => TRUE
    	// Parse incoming $args into an array and merge it with $defaults
    	$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
    	$output = $args['before'] . $args['text'] . $args['after'];
    	if (!$echo) 
    		return $output;
    	echo $output;
     * Run our new function using the defaults (no $args)
     * This would print out: 
     * 	<p>wp_parse_args() merges $args into $defaults</p>
     * Run the function with some options overridden with an array
     * This would echo the output with the modified text and before arguments:
     * 	<p class='specialclass'>A better explanation</p>
    wpdocs_explain_parse_args( array (
    	'text' => "A better explanation",
    	'before' => "<p class='specialclass'>"
    ) );
     * We can also pass in URL-style string-query and it will be converted
     * This would set $args['echo'] to 1 and $args['text'] to 0	
    wpdocs_explain_parse_args( 'echo=1&text=0' );
  3. Skip to note 8 content

    If you are looking to recursively merge two arrays, here is the function:

    if ( ! function_exists( 'wpdocs_recursive_parse_args' ) ) {
    	function wpdocs_recursive_parse_args( $args, $defaults ) {
    		$new_args = (array) $defaults;
    		foreach ( $args as $key => $value ) {
    			if ( is_array( $value ) && isset( $new_args[ $key ] ) ) {
    				$new_args[ $key ] = wpdocs_recursive_parse_args( $value, $new_args[ $key ] );
    			else {
    				$new_args[ $key ] = $value;
    		return $new_args;

    Test case:

    $defaults = [
    	'x1' => 'level1',
    	'x2' => [
    		'a1' => 'level1',
    		'a2' => 'level1',
    	'x4' => [
    		'b1' => [
    			'c1' => 'level1',
    		'b2' => 'level1',
    	'x3' => 'level1',
    $args     = [
    	'x3' => 'level2',
    	'x2' => [
    		'a2' => 'level2',
    	'x4' => [
    		'b1' => [
    			'c1' => 'level2',
    			'c2' => 'leve2',
    			'c3' => [
    				'd1' => [
    					'e1' => 'ok',
    print_r( awps_recursive_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
     * Result
    	'x1' => 'level1',
    	'x2' => [
    		'a1' => 'level1',
    		'a2' => 'level2',
    	'x4' => [
    		'b1' => [
    			'c1' => 'level2',
    			'c2' => 'leve2',
    			'c3' => [
    				'd1' => [
    					'e1' => 'ok',
    		'b2' => 'level1',
    	'x3' => 'level2',

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