wp_insert_category( array $catarr, bool $wp_error = false ): int|WP_Error

Updates an existing Category or creates a new Category.


Array of arguments for inserting a new category.
  • cat_ID int
    Category ID. A non-zero value updates an existing category.
    Default 0.
  • taxonomy string
    Taxonomy slug. Default 'category'.
  • cat_name string
    Category name. Default empty.
  • category_description string
    Category description. Default empty.
  • category_nicename string
    Category nice (display) name. Default empty.
  • category_parent int|string
    Category parent ID. Default empty.



int|WP_Error The ID number of the new or updated Category on success. Zero or a WP_Error on failure, depending on param $wp_error.

More Information

Not all possible members of the $catarr array are listed here.

The value of category_nicename will set the slug. (In WordPress terminology, a “nice” name is one that is sanitized for use in places like URLs. It is not meant for displaying to humans, as you might assume.)

See wp_create_category() for a simpler version which takes just a string instead of an array


function wp_insert_category( $catarr, $wp_error = false ) {
	$cat_defaults = array(
		'cat_ID'               => 0,
		'taxonomy'             => 'category',
		'cat_name'             => '',
		'category_description' => '',
		'category_nicename'    => '',
		'category_parent'      => '',
	$catarr       = wp_parse_args( $catarr, $cat_defaults );

	if ( '' === trim( $catarr['cat_name'] ) ) {
		if ( ! $wp_error ) {
			return 0;
		} else {
			return new WP_Error( 'cat_name', __( 'You did not enter a category name.' ) );

	$catarr['cat_ID'] = (int) $catarr['cat_ID'];

	// Are we updating or creating?
	$update = ! empty( $catarr['cat_ID'] );

	$name        = $catarr['cat_name'];
	$description = $catarr['category_description'];
	$slug        = $catarr['category_nicename'];
	$parent      = (int) $catarr['category_parent'];
	if ( $parent < 0 ) {
		$parent = 0;

	if ( empty( $parent )
		|| ! term_exists( $parent, $catarr['taxonomy'] )
		|| ( $catarr['cat_ID'] && term_is_ancestor_of( $catarr['cat_ID'], $parent, $catarr['taxonomy'] ) ) ) {
		$parent = 0;

	$args = compact( 'name', 'slug', 'parent', 'description' );

	if ( $update ) {
		$catarr['cat_ID'] = wp_update_term( $catarr['cat_ID'], $catarr['taxonomy'], $args );
	} else {
		$catarr['cat_ID'] = wp_insert_term( $catarr['cat_name'], $catarr['taxonomy'], $args );

	if ( is_wp_error( $catarr['cat_ID'] ) ) {
		if ( $wp_error ) {
			return $catarr['cat_ID'];
		} else {
			return 0;
	return $catarr['cat_ID']['term_id'];


3.0.0The 'taxonomy' argument was added.
2.5.0$wp_error parameter was added.

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