wp_prime_network_option_caches()wp-includes/option.php | Primes specific network options into the cache with a single database query.
wp_prime_option_caches()wp-includes/option.php | Primes specific options into the cache with a single database query.
_prime_post_parent_id_caches()wp-includes/post.php | Prime the cache containing the parent ID of various post objects.
WP_Site_Health::should_suggest_persistent_object_cache()wp-admin/includes/class-wp-site-health.php | Determines whether to suggest using a persistent object cache.
wp_is_site_initialized()wp-includes/ms-site.php | Checks whether a site is initialized.
WP_Privacy_Requests_Table::get_request_counts()wp-admin/includes/class-wp-privacy-requests-table.php | Counts the number of requests for each status.
has_term_meta()wp-includes/taxonomy.php | Gets all meta data, including meta IDs, for the given term ID.
WP_Term_Query::get_terms()wp-includes/class-wp-term-query.php | Retrieves the query results.
_prime_term_caches()wp-includes/taxonomy.php | Adds any terms from the given IDs to the cache that do not already exist in cache.
_prime_network_caches()wp-includes/ms-network.php | Adds any networks from the given IDs to the cache that do not already exist in cache.
_prime_site_caches()wp-includes/ms-site.php | Adds any sites from the given IDs to the cache that do not already exist in cache.
WP_Term::get_instance()wp-includes/class-wp-term.php | Retrieve WP_Term instance.
_prime_comment_caches()wp-includes/comment.php | Adds any comments from the given IDs to the cache that do not already exist in cache.
_wp_batch_split_terms()wp-includes/taxonomy.php | Splits a batch of shared taxonomy terms.
wpdb::get_table_charset()wp-includes/class-wpdb.php | Retrieves the character set for the given table.
maybe_convert_table_to_utf8mb4()wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php | If a table only contains utf8 or utf8mb4 columns, convert it to utf8mb4.
check_column()wp-admin/install-helper.php | Checks that database table column matches the criteria.
export_date_options()wp-admin/export.php | Creates the date options fields for exporting a given post type.
get_editable_authors()wp-admin/includes/deprecated.php | Gets author users who can edit posts.
get_others_unpublished_posts()wp-admin/includes/deprecated.php | Retrieves editable posts from other users.
WP_List_Table::months_dropdown()wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php | Displays a dropdown for filtering items in the list table by month.
pre_schema_upgrade()wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php | Runs before the schema is upgraded.
upgrade_network()wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php | Executes network-level upgrade routines.
get_alloptions_110()wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php | Retrieve all options as it was for 1.2.
dbDelta()wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php | Modifies the database based on specified SQL statements.
get_users_drafts()wp-admin/includes/user.php | Retrieve the user’s drafts.
parent_dropdown()wp-admin/includes/template.php | Prints out option HTML elements for the page parents drop-down.
media_upload_library_form()wp-admin/includes/media.php | Outputs the legacy media upload form for the media library.
has_meta()wp-admin/includes/post.php | Returns meta data for the given post ID.
bulk_edit_posts()wp-admin/includes/post.php | Processes the post data for the bulk editing of posts.
WP_Importer::get_imported_comments()wp-admin/includes/class-wp-importer.php | Sets array with imported comments from WordPress database.
WP_Importer::get_imported_posts()wp-admin/includes/class-wp-importer.php | Returns array with imported permalinks from WordPress database.
WP_Importer::count_imported_posts()wp-admin/includes/class-wp-importer.php | Returns count of imported permalinks from WordPress database.
get_pending_comments_num()wp-admin/includes/comment.php | Gets the number of pending comments on a post or posts.
cache_users()wp-includes/pluggable.php | Retrieves info for user lists to prevent multiple queries by get_userdata() .
wp_get_archives()wp-includes/general-template.php | Displays archive links based on type and format.
get_calendar()wp-includes/general-template.php | Displays calendar with days that have posts as links.
get_users_of_blog()wp-includes/deprecated.php | Get users for the site.
WP_Query::get_posts()wp-includes/class-wp-query.php | Retrieves an array of posts based on query variables.
wp_scheduled_delete()wp-includes/functions.php | Permanently deletes comments or posts of any type that have held a status of ‘trash’ for the number of days defined in EMPTY_TRASH_DAYS.
is_blog_installed()wp-includes/functions.php | Determines whether WordPress is already installed.
_pad_term_counts()wp-includes/taxonomy.php | Adds count of children to parent count.
clean_term_cache()wp-includes/taxonomy.php | Removes all of the term IDs from the cache.
wp_delete_term()wp-includes/taxonomy.php | Removes a term from the database.
wp_load_alloptions()wp-includes/option.php | Loads and caches all autoloaded options, if available or all options.
WP_User_Query::query()wp-includes/class-wp-user-query.php | Executes the query, with the current variables.
count_many_users_posts()wp-includes/user.php | Gets the number of posts written by a list of users.
_prime_post_caches()wp-includes/post.php | Adds any posts from the given IDs to the cache that do not already exist in cache.
get_page_by_path()wp-includes/post.php | Retrieves a page given its path.
wp_delete_post()wp-includes/post.php | Trashes or deletes a post or page.
wp_trash_post_comments()wp-includes/post.php | Moves comments for a post to the Trash.
wp_count_posts()wp-includes/post.php | Counts number of posts of a post type and if user has permissions to view.
wp_count_attachments()wp-includes/post.php | Counts number of attachments for the mime type(s).
WP_Rewrite::page_uri_index()wp-includes/class-wp-rewrite.php | Retrieves all pages and attachments for pages URIs.
redirect_canonical()wp-includes/canonical.php | Redirects incoming links to the proper URL based on the site url.
wp_get_post_autosave()wp-includes/revision.php | Retrieves the autosaved data of the specified post.
install_blog()wp-includes/ms-deprecated.php | Install an empty blog.
get_admin_users_for_domain()wp-includes/ms-deprecated.php | Get the admin for a domain/path combination.
get_bookmarks()wp-includes/bookmark.php | Retrieves the list of bookmarks.
get_blog_list()wp-includes/ms-deprecated.php | Deprecated functionality to retrieve a list of all sites.
wp_list_authors()wp-includes/author-template.php | Lists all the authors of the site, with several options available.
get_last_updated()wp-includes/ms-blogs.php | Gets a list of most recently updated blogs.
wp_xmlrpc_server::mt_getTrackbackPings()wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php | Retrieves trackbacks sent to a given post.
wp_xmlrpc_server::pingback_ping()wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php | Retrieves a pingback and registers it.
wp_xmlrpc_server::pingback_extensions_getPingbacks()wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php | Retrieves an array of URLs that pingbacked the given URL.
wp_xmlrpc_server::attach_uploads()wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php | Attaches an upload to a post.
wp_xmlrpc_server::wp_getPageList()wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php | Retrieves page list.
update_meta_cache()wp-includes/meta.php | Updates the metadata cache for the specified objects.
Example about how can you retrieve data from a table using get_results function:
Please, note that I have used %d assuming that $some_parameter is a int value.
Don’t forget to handle the error case. Here is how to catch errors from
:The example below is using heredoc to write the query and then getting the result through
. The second parameterARRAY_A
used on the function will tell to the function that we need the result to be an Array.