File: wp-includes/class-wpdb.php
Quotes an identifier for a MySQL database, e.g. table/field names.
Escapes an identifier value without adding the surrounding quotes.
Returns the version of the MySQL server.
Logs query data.
Filters the custom data to log alongside a query.
Adds a placeholder escape string, to escape anything that resembles a printf() placeholder.
Removes the placeholder escape strings from a query.
Parses the DB_HOST setting to interpret it for mysqli_real_connect().
Generates and returns a placeholder escape string for use in queries returned by ::prepare().
Determines the best charset and collation to use given a charset and collation.
Closes the current database connection.
Retrieves the maximum string length allowed in a given column.
For string fields, records the maximum string length that field can safely save.
Finds the first table name referenced in a query.
Strips any invalid characters from the string for a given table and column.
Retrieves the character set for the given table.
Filters the table charset value before the DB is checked.
Retrieves the character set for the given column.
Filters the column charset value before the DB is checked.
Checks if a string is ASCII.
Checks if the query is accessing a collation considered safe on the current version of MySQL.
Strips any invalid characters based on value/charset pairs.
Strips any invalid characters from the query.
Prepares arrays of value/format pairs as passed to wpdb CRUD methods.
Adds field charsets to field/value/format arrays generated by wpdb::process_field_formats().
Processes arrays of field/value pairs and field formats.
First half of escaping for `LIKE` special characters `%` and `_` before preparing for SQL.
Stops the debugging timer.
Wraps errors in a nice header and footer and dies.
Determines whether MySQL database is at least the required minimum version.