Network Admin Settings Screen

The Network Admin Settings is where a network admin sets and changes settings for the network as a whole. The first site is the main site in the network and network settings are pulled from that original site’s options.

Operational Settings

Network Name

What you would like to call this website.

Network Admin Email

Registration and support emails will come from this address. An address such as is recommended.

Registration Settings

Allow new registrations

Disable or enable registration and who or what can be registered. (Default is disabled.)

  • Registration is disabled. (default)
  • User accounts may be registered.
  • Logged in users may register new sites.
  • Both sites and user accounts can be registered.

Registration notification

Send the network admin an email notification every time someone registers a site or user account.

Add New Users

Allow site administrators to add new users to their site via the “Users -> Add New” page.

Banned Names

Users are not allowed to register these sites. Separate names by spaces.

Limited Email Registrations

If you want to limit site registrations to certain domains. Enter one domain per line.

Banned Email Domains

If you want to ban domains from site registrations. Enter one domain per line.

New Site Settings

Welcome Email

The welcome email sent to new site owners.

Dear User,

Your new SITE_NAME blog has been successfully set up at:

You can log in to the administrator account with the following information:
Username: USERNAME
Password: PASSWORD
Login Here: BLOG_URLwp-login.php

We hope you enjoy your new blog.

--The Team @ SITE_NAME

Welcome User Email

The welcome email sent to new users.

Dear User,

Your new account is set up.

You can log in with the following information:
Username: USERNAME
Password: PASSWORD


--The Team @ SITE_NAME

First Post

The first post on a new site.

Welcome to <a href="SITE_URL">SITE_NAME</a>. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

First Page

The first page on a new site.

First Comment

The first comment on a new site.

First Comment Author

The author of the first comment on a new site.

First Comment URL

The URL for the first comment on a new site.

Upload Settings

Site upload space

Limit total size of files uploaded to [ 50 ] MB.

Upload file types

Default is jpg jpeg png gif mp3 mov avi wmv midi mid pdf m2ts.

Note: Adding arbitrary file types will not work unless a corresponding function is also hooked to upload_mimes filter. See the wp_get_mime_types function in wp-includes/functions.php for the current default set of supported mime-types / file extensions. Adding mime types in the ‘upload file types’ field not listed in the default set will NOT work unless you’ve added them using the upload_mimes filter! Uploading files with mime types not supported (without adding them using the filter) will fail with the message “Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons”.

Max upload file size

Default is [ 1500 ] KB.

Language Settings

Default Language

Default is English.

Enable administration menus

  • Plugins

On WordPress Multisite the default setting for plugins is disabled. This means your users won’t have access to the plugin admin panel inside their dashboard unless you first enable access to plugins network wide.
