The user_search_columns filter is used to determine which user fields in the database are used when performing a search on user information.
When the ‘user_search_columns’ filter is called, it is passed three parameters: an array of fields to search, the search term, WP_User_Query object
<pre>add_filter( 'user_search_columns', 'filter_function_name', 10, 3 );
function filter_function_name( $search_columns, $search, $wp_user_query ) {
// Alter $search_columns to include the fields you want to search on
return $search_columns;
Where ‘filter_function_name’ is the function WordPress should call when the filter is run. Note that the filter function must return a value after it is finished processing or the search terms will be empty.
filter_function_name should be unique function name. It cannot match any other function name already declared
Add a field to search on
In this example, the user’s URL is also added to the list of columns searched
Alter search fields based on the search term
In this example, if the user searches for something with ‘.com’ in it only the
field will be searched(From Codex)
Add a field to search on
In this example the user’s URL is also added to the list of columns searched
(From Codex)
Alter search fields based on search term
In this example if the user searches for something with ‘.com’ in it only the user_url field will be searched.