apply_filters( ‘comments_template’, string $theme_template )

Filters the path to the theme template file used for the comments template.


The path to the theme template file.

More Information

The comments_template filter can be used to load a custom template form a plugin which replaces the theme’s default comment template.


$include = apply_filters( 'comments_template', $theme_template );



User Contributed Notes

  1. Skip to note 3 content

    Code example migrated from Codex:

    A plugin can register as a content filter with the code:

    <?php add_filter( "comments_template", "my_plugin_comment_template" ); ?>

    Where my_plugin_comment_template is the function WordPress should call when the comment_template() function is called on the theme. Note that the filter function the plugin defines must return the a full path to a template file or the resulting page will be blank.

    This is an example of loading a different comments template for a custom post type:

    function my_plugin_comment_template( $comment_template ) {
         global $post;
         if ( !( is_singular() && ( have_comments() || 'open' == $post->comment_status ) ) ) {
         if($post->post_type == 'business'){ // assuming there is a post type called business
            return dirname(__FILE__) . '/reviews.php';
    add_filter( "comments_template", "my_plugin_comment_template" );

    The example code will load the template file reviews.php located in your plugins folder for CPT called business; otherwise, the code uses default template.

  2. Skip to note 4 content

    This filter is broken/unworking on newer block themes, such as Twenty Twenty-Three.

    A replacement to i.e. disable the comments “template” (aka block) would now be:

    function wpdocs_remove_comment_template_part( $pre_render, $parsed_block ) {
        if ( 'core/comments' === $parsed_block['blockName'] ) {
            return '';
    add_filter('pre_render_block', 'wpdocs_remove_comment_template_part', 10, 2 );

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