get_theme_feature_list( bool $api = true ): array

In this article

Retrieves list of WordPress theme features (aka theme tags).


Whether try to fetch tags from the API. Defaults to true.



array Array of features keyed by category with translations keyed by slug.


function get_theme_feature_list( $api = true ) {
	// Hard-coded list is used if API is not accessible.
	$features = array(

		__( 'Subject' )  => array(
			'blog'           => __( 'Blog' ),
			'e-commerce'     => __( 'E-Commerce' ),
			'education'      => __( 'Education' ),
			'entertainment'  => __( 'Entertainment' ),
			'food-and-drink' => __( 'Food & Drink' ),
			'holiday'        => __( 'Holiday' ),
			'news'           => __( 'News' ),
			'photography'    => __( 'Photography' ),
			'portfolio'      => __( 'Portfolio' ),

		__( 'Features' ) => array(
			'accessibility-ready'   => __( 'Accessibility Ready' ),
			'block-patterns'        => __( 'Block Editor Patterns' ),
			'block-styles'          => __( 'Block Editor Styles' ),
			'custom-background'     => __( 'Custom Background' ),
			'custom-colors'         => __( 'Custom Colors' ),
			'custom-header'         => __( 'Custom Header' ),
			'custom-logo'           => __( 'Custom Logo' ),
			'editor-style'          => __( 'Editor Style' ),
			'featured-image-header' => __( 'Featured Image Header' ),
			'featured-images'       => __( 'Featured Images' ),
			'footer-widgets'        => __( 'Footer Widgets' ),
			'full-site-editing'     => __( 'Site Editor' ),
			'full-width-template'   => __( 'Full Width Template' ),
			'post-formats'          => __( 'Post Formats' ),
			'sticky-post'           => __( 'Sticky Post' ),
			'style-variations'      => __( 'Style Variations' ),
			'template-editing'      => __( 'Template Editing' ),
			'theme-options'         => __( 'Theme Options' ),

		__( 'Layout' )   => array(
			'grid-layout'   => __( 'Grid Layout' ),
			'one-column'    => __( 'One Column' ),
			'two-columns'   => __( 'Two Columns' ),
			'three-columns' => __( 'Three Columns' ),
			'four-columns'  => __( 'Four Columns' ),
			'left-sidebar'  => __( 'Left Sidebar' ),
			'right-sidebar' => __( 'Right Sidebar' ),
			'wide-blocks'   => __( 'Wide Blocks' ),


	if ( ! $api || ! current_user_can( 'install_themes' ) ) {
		return $features;

	$feature_list = get_site_transient( 'wporg_theme_feature_list' );
	if ( ! $feature_list ) {
		set_site_transient( 'wporg_theme_feature_list', array(), 3 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS );

	if ( ! $feature_list ) {
		$feature_list = themes_api( 'feature_list', array() );
		if ( is_wp_error( $feature_list ) ) {
			return $features;

	if ( ! $feature_list ) {
		return $features;

	set_site_transient( 'wporg_theme_feature_list', $feature_list, 3 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS );

	$category_translations = array(
		'Layout'   => __( 'Layout' ),
		'Features' => __( 'Features' ),
		'Subject'  => __( 'Subject' ),

	$wporg_features = array();

	// Loop over the canonical list and apply translations.
	foreach ( (array) $feature_list as $feature_category => $feature_items ) {
		if ( isset( $category_translations[ $feature_category ] ) ) {
			$feature_category = $category_translations[ $feature_category ];

		$wporg_features[ $feature_category ] = array();

		foreach ( $feature_items as $feature ) {
			if ( isset( $features[ $feature_category ][ $feature ] ) ) {
				$wporg_features[ $feature_category ][ $feature ] = $features[ $feature_category ][ $feature ];
			} else {
				$wporg_features[ $feature_category ][ $feature ] = $feature;

	return $wporg_features;


6.2.0Added ‘Style Variations’ feature.
6.1.1Replaced ‘Full Site Editing’ feature name with ‘Site Editor’.
5.8.1Added ‘Template Editing’ feature.
5.5.0Added ‘Wide Blocks’ layout option.
4.9.0Removed 'BuddyPress', ‘Custom Menu’, ‘Flexible Header’, ‘Front Page Posting’, 'Microformats', ‘RTL Language Support’, ‘Threaded Comments’, and ‘Translation Ready’ features.
4.6.0Added 'Blog', 'E-Commerce', 'Education', 'Entertainment', ‘Food & Drink’, 'Holiday', 'News', 'Photography', and 'Portfolio' subjects.
Removed 'Photoblogging' and 'Seasonal' subjects.
3.9.0Combined 'Layout' and 'Columns' filters.
3.8.0Added ‘Accessibility Ready’ feature and ‘Responsive Layout’ option.
3.5.0Added ‘Flexible Header’ feature.
3.2.0Added 'Gray' color and ‘Featured Image Header’, ‘Featured Images’, ‘Full Width Template’, and ‘Post Formats’ features.
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