New and updated in 3.9.0
Filters list of page templates for a theme.
Fires during wp_cron, starting the auto-update process.
Fires following the ‘Strength indicator’ meter in the user password reset form.
Retrieves list of WordPress theme features (aka theme tags).
Outputs JavaScript that calls function to decrement the update counts.
Performs autosave with heartbeat.
Filters the parameters for the attachment thumbnail creation.
Fires after a site is fully upgraded.
Fires after a site is fully installed.
Saves a post submitted with XHR.
Handles getting themes from themes_api() via AJAX.
Handles updating a widget via AJAX.
Given an attachment ID for a header image, updates its “last used” timestamp to now.
Used by 0 functions | Uses 7 functions | Source: wp-admin/includes/class-custom-image-header.php:1456 -
Given an attachment ID for a header image, unsets it as a user-uploaded header image for the active theme.
Used by 0 functions | Uses 7 functions | Source: wp-admin/includes/class-custom-image-header.php:1484 -
Updates the last-used postmeta on a header image attachment after saving a new header image via the Customizer.
Used by 0 functions | Uses 2 functions | Source: wp-admin/includes/class-custom-image-header.php:1510 -
Gets the details of default header images if defined.
Used by 1 function | Uses 4 functions | Source: wp-admin/includes/class-custom-image-header.php:1536 -
Gets the previously uploaded header images.
Used by 2 functions | Uses 3 functions | Source: wp-admin/includes/class-custom-image-header.php:1580 -
Calculates width and height based on what the currently selected theme supports.
Used by 2 functions | Uses 3 functions | Source: wp-admin/includes/class-custom-image-header.php:1270 -
Creates an attachment ‘object’.
Used by 0 functions | Uses 4 functions | Source: wp-admin/includes/class-custom-image-header.php:1323 -
Inserts an attachment and its metadata.
Used by 2 functions | Uses 4 functions | Source: wp-admin/includes/class-custom-image-header.php:1353 -
Filters the header image attachment metadata.
Used by 1 function | Uses 0 functions | Source: wp-admin/includes/class-custom-image-header.php:1374 -
Gets attachment uploaded by Media Manager, crops it, then saves it as a new object. Returns JSON-encoded object details.
Used by 0 functions | Uses 14 functions | Source: wp-admin/includes/class-custom-image-header.php:1387 -
Registers theme support for a given feature.
Filters the theme modification, or ‘theme_mod’, value on save.
Filters the current user.
Filters list of page templates for a theme.
Retrieves the value of a query variable.
Retrieves the value of a query variable in the WP_Query class.
Normalizes a filesystem path.