_get_comment_reply_id()wp-includes/comment-template.php | Gets the comment’s reply to ID from the $_GET[‘replytocom’].
wp_get_unapproved_comment_author_email()wp-includes/comment.php | Gets unapproved comment author’s email.
get_object_subtype()wp-includes/meta.php | Returns the object subtype for a given object ID of a specific type.
WP_REST_Comments_Controller::get_comment()wp-includes/rest-api/endpoints/class-wp-rest-comments-controller.php | Get the comment, if the ID is valid.
WP_REST_Comments_Controller::update_item()wp-includes/rest-api/endpoints/class-wp-rest-comments-controller.php | Updates a comment.
WP_REST_Comments_Controller::delete_item()wp-includes/rest-api/endpoints/class-wp-rest-comments-controller.php | Deletes a comment.
WP_REST_Comments_Controller::create_item()wp-includes/rest-api/endpoints/class-wp-rest-comments-controller.php | Creates a comment.
WP_Comment_Query::fill_descendants()wp-includes/class-wp-comment-query.php | Fetch descendants for located comments.
wp_handle_comment_submission()wp-includes/comment.php | Handles the submission of a comment, usually posted to wp-comments-post.php via a comment form.
wp_new_comment_notify_moderator()wp-includes/comment.php | Sends a comment moderation notification to the comment moderator.
wp_new_comment_notify_postauthor()wp-includes/comment.php | Sends a notification of a new comment to the post author.
WP_Comments_List_Table::floated_admin_avatar()wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php | Adds avatars to comment author names.
WP_Comment_Query::get_comments()wp-includes/class-wp-comment-query.php | Get a list of comments matching the query vars.
get_avatar_data()wp-includes/link-template.php | Retrieves default data about the avatar.
touch_time()wp-admin/includes/template.php | Prints out HTML form date elements for editing post or comment publish date.
_wp_ajax_delete_comment_response()wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php | Sends back current comment total and new page links if they need to be updated.
wp_ajax_delete_comment()wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php | Handles deleting a comment via AJAX.
wp_ajax_dim_comment()wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php | Handles dimming a comment via AJAX.
wp_ajax_get_comments()wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php | Handles getting comments via AJAX.
wp_ajax_replyto_comment()wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php | Handles replying to a comment via AJAX.
wp_ajax_edit_comment()wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php | Handles editing a comment via AJAX.
WP_Comments_List_Table::column_comment()wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php | |
get_comment_to_edit()wp-admin/includes/comment.php | Returns a WP_Comment object based on comment ID.
floated_admin_avatar()wp-admin/includes/comment.php | Adds avatars to relevant places in admin.
map_meta_cap()wp-includes/capabilities.php | Maps a capability to the primitive capabilities required of the given user to satisfy the capability being checked.
get_avatar()wp-includes/pluggable.php | Retrieves the avatar <img> tag for a user, email address, MD5 hash, comment, or post.
wp_notify_postauthor()wp-includes/pluggable.php | Notifies an author (and/or others) of a comment/trackback/pingback on a post.
wp_notify_moderator()wp-includes/pluggable.php | Notifies the moderator of the site about a new comment that is awaiting approval.
get_commentdata()wp-includes/deprecated.php | Retrieve an array of comment data about comment $comment_id.
wp_scheduled_delete()wp-includes/functions.php | Permanently deletes comments or posts of any type that have held a status of ‘trash’ for the number of days defined in EMPTY_TRASH_DAYS.
get_edit_comment_link()wp-includes/link-template.php | Retrieves the edit comment link.
edit_comment_link()wp-includes/link-template.php | Displays the edit comment link with formatting.
get_comment_guid()wp-includes/feed.php | Retrieves the feed GUID for the current comment.
wp_xmlrpc_server::wp_deleteComment()wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php | Deletes a comment.
wp_xmlrpc_server::wp_editComment()wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php | Edits a comment.
wp_xmlrpc_server::wp_getComment()wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php | Retrieves a comment.
comment_form_title()wp-includes/comment-template.php | Displays text based on comment reply status.
get_comment_reply_link()wp-includes/comment-template.php | Retrieves HTML content for reply to comment link.
get_comment_link()wp-includes/comment-template.php | Retrieves the link to a given comment.
get_comment_text()wp-includes/comment-template.php | Retrieves the text of the current comment.
comment_text()wp-includes/comment-template.php | Displays the text of the current comment.
get_comment_time()wp-includes/comment-template.php | Retrieves the comment time of the current comment.
get_comment_type()wp-includes/comment-template.php | Retrieves the comment type of the current comment.
comment_author_url()wp-includes/comment-template.php | Displays the URL of the author of the current comment, not linked.
get_comment_class()wp-includes/comment-template.php | Returns the classes for the comment div as an array.
get_comment_date()wp-includes/comment-template.php | Retrieves the comment date of the current comment.
get_comment_excerpt()wp-includes/comment-template.php | Retrieves the excerpt of the given comment.
comment_excerpt()wp-includes/comment-template.php | Displays the excerpt of the current comment.
get_comment_ID()wp-includes/comment-template.php | Retrieves the comment ID of the current comment.
get_comment_author()wp-includes/comment-template.php | Retrieves the author of the current comment.
comment_author()wp-includes/comment-template.php | Displays the author of the current comment.
get_comment_author_email()wp-includes/comment-template.php | Retrieves the email of the author of the current comment.
comment_author_email()wp-includes/comment-template.php | Displays the email of the author of the current global $comment.
get_comment_author_email_link()wp-includes/comment-template.php | Returns the HTML email link to the author of the current comment.
get_comment_author_link()wp-includes/comment-template.php | Retrieves the HTML link to the URL of the author of the current comment.
get_comment_author_IP()wp-includes/comment-template.php | Retrieves the IP address of the author of the current comment.
get_comment_author_url()wp-includes/comment-template.php | Retrieves the URL of the author of the current comment, not linked.
wp_set_comment_status()wp-includes/comment.php | Sets the status of a comment.
wp_update_comment()wp-includes/comment.php | Updates an existing comment in the database.
wp_spam_comment()wp-includes/comment.php | Marks a comment as Spam.
wp_unspam_comment()wp-includes/comment.php | Removes a comment from the Spam.
wp_get_comment_status()wp-includes/comment.php | Retrieves the status of a comment by comment ID.
wp_insert_comment()wp-includes/comment.php | Inserts a comment into the database.
get_page_of_comment()wp-includes/comment.php | Calculates what page number a comment will appear on for comment paging.
wp_delete_comment()wp-includes/comment.php | Trashes or deletes a comment.
wp_trash_comment()wp-includes/comment.php | Moves a comment to the Trash
wp_untrash_comment()wp-includes/comment.php | Removes a comment from the Trash
To get the author’s name of a comment with ID 7:
Alternatively, specify the
To get the author’s name of a comment with ID 7:
Grab the title and link of the post from the comment