apply_filters( ‘robots_txt’, string $output, bool $public )

Filters the robots.txt output.


The robots.txt output.
Whether the site is considered "public".


echo apply_filters( 'robots_txt', $output, $public );



User Contributed Notes

  1. Skip to note 2 content

    An example of how robots.txt file content can be altered.

     * Add Disallow for some file types.
     * Add "Disallow: /wp-login.php/\n".
     * Remove "Allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php\n".
     * Calculate and add a "Sitemap:" link.
    add_filter( 'robots_txt', function( $output, $public ) {
    	 * If "Search engine visibility" is disabled,
    	 * strongly tell all robots to go away.
    	if ( '0' == $public ) {
    		$output = "User-agent: *\nDisallow: /\nDisallow: /*\nDisallow: /*?\n";
    	} else {
    		 * Get site path.
    		$site_url = parse_url( site_url() );
    		$path	  = ( ! empty( $site_url[ 'path' ] ) ) ? $site_url[ 'path' ] : '';
    		 * Add new disallow.
    		$output .= "Disallow: $path/wp-login.php\n";
    		 * Disallow some file types
    		foreach(['jpeg','jpg','gif','png','mp4','webm','woff','woff2','ttf','eot'] as $ext){
    			$output .= "Disallow: /*.{$ext}$\n";
    		 * Remove line that allows robots to access AJAX interface.
    		$robots = preg_replace( '/Allow: [^\0\s]*\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax\.php\n/', '', $output );
    		 * If no error occurred, replace $output with modified value.
    		if ( null !== $robots ) {
    			$output = $robots;
    		 * Calculate and add a "Sitemap:" link.
    		 * Modify as needed.
    		$output .= "Sitemap: {$site_url[ 'scheme' ]}://{$site_url[ 'host' ]}/sitemap_index.xml\n";
    	return $output;
    }, 99, 2 );  // Priority 99, Number of Arguments 2.

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