$post_columns is an associative array of “column name” ⇒ “label”. The “column name” is passed to callback functions to identify the column. The “label” is shown as the column header.
Built-in Column Types:
Note: Listed in order of appearance. By default, all columns supported by the post type are shown.
title: Post title. Includes “edit”, “quick edit”, “trash” and “view” links. If $mode (set from $_REQUEST[‘mode’]) is ‘excerpt’, a post excerpt is included between the title and links.
I decided to use tags as a column name (key on the array) and spent a few minutes wondering why no value was appearing for the column. The function to pull out the data wasn’t even called. It is of course, a default field on the post type and the fuction won’t get called WP uses its default value.
Helper function to insert an element after a specific array key
* It takes an array, a specific key, and a new element, and inserts the new element after the
* specific key
* @param array arr The array where you want to insert the new element.
* @param string specific_key The key of the array element you want to insert after.
* @param array new_element The new element to be inserted.
* @return array
function wpdocs_insert_element_after_specific_array_key( $arr, $specific_key, $new_element ) {
if ( ! is_array( $arr ) || ! is_array( $new_element ) ) {
return $arr;
if ( ! array_key_exists( $specific_key, $arr ) ) {
return $arr;
$array_keys = array_keys( $arr );
$start = (int) array_search( $specific_key, $array_keys, true ) + 1; // Offset
$spliced_arr = array_splice( $arr, $start );
$new_element_key = $new_element['key'];
$arr[ $new_element_key ] = $new_element['value'];
$new_arr = array_merge( $arr, $spliced_arr );
return $new_arr;
If you’re having trouble finding out how to find the name of your custom taxonomy column so you can reorder your columns with custom taxonomies like I was, the index in your $columns array is $columns[taxonomy-{taxonomy_name}].
For instance I had made a ‘Document Category’ custom taxonomy for my ‘Document’ Custom Post Type, so that index for me was $columns[taxonomy-document_category]. So the entire code to order my custom taxonomy with my new ‘Attachment Type’ column was:
For further management of columns, check:
To set the custom column values
To set the primary (default) column
Example migrated from Codex:
Add Columns
Suppose you have a ‘books’ custom post type and you want to add the publisher and book author in the edit page but remove the post author.
To reorder columns
Just use the
array to reorder the columns in{$post_type}
.NOTE: in the above example,
is the custom post typeBe careful with your choice of column name.
I decided to use
as a column name (key on the array) and spent a few minutes wondering why no value was appearing for the column. The function to pull out the data wasn’t even called. It is of course, a default field on the post type and the fuction won’t get called WP uses its default value.Prefixing the column fixed the issue.
Example migrated from Codex:
Replace Columns
Here’s another example that completely replaces the columns, rather than adding and removing specific ones.
Add a new column after an specific column. For example-
The code below adds a new column named “Wholesaler Price” After the price column of the WooCommerce product’s list table.
Helper function to insert an element after a specific array key
If you’re having trouble finding out how to find the name of your custom taxonomy column so you can reorder your columns with custom taxonomies like I was, the index in your $columns array is $columns[taxonomy-{taxonomy_name}].
For instance I had made a ‘Document Category’ custom taxonomy for my ‘Document’ Custom Post Type, so that index for me was $columns[taxonomy-document_category]. So the entire code to order my custom taxonomy with my new ‘Attachment Type’ column was: