apply_filters( ‘do_shortcode_tag’, string $output, string $tag, array $attr, array $m )

Filters the output created by a shortcode callback.


Shortcode output.
Shortcode name.
Shortcode attributes array, can be empty if the original arguments string cannot be parsed.
Regular expression match array.


return apply_filters( 'do_shortcode_tag', $output, $tag, $attr, $m );


6.5.0The $attr parameter is always an array.

User Contributed Notes

  1. Skip to note 3 content

    Another useful functionality is to enqueue shortcode-specific scripts,

    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'register_my_script');
    function register_my_script(){
      wp_register_script('my-shortcode-js',$src, $dependency, $version, $inFooter);
    add_filter( 'do_shortcode_tag','enqueue_my_script',10,3);
    function enqueue_my_script($output, $tag, $attr){
      if('myShortcode' != $tag){ //make sure it is the right shortcode
        return $output;
      if(!isset($attr['id'])){ //you can even check for specific attributes
        return $output;
      wp_enqueue_script('my-shortcode-js'); //enqueue your script for printing
      return $output;

    first you register your script, which doesn’t actually get printed on your page unless your enqueue it if your shortcode is called.

  2. Skip to note 4 content

    This filter is very useful to either add additional content at the end of a shortcode (for example an inline script),

    add_filter( 'do_shortcode_tag','add_my_script',10,3);
    function enqueue_my_script($output, $tag, $attr){
      if('aShortcode' != $tag){ //make sure it is the right shortcode
        return $output;
      if(!isset($attr['id'])){ //you can even check for specific attributes
        return $output;
      $output.='<script> ... </script>';
      return $output;

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