Fires immediately after a comment is inserted into the database.
int- The comment ID.
int|string- 1 if the comment is approved, 0 if not,
if spam. $commentdata
array- Comment data.
do_action( 'comment_post', $comment_id, $commentdata['comment_approved'], $commentdata );
The following example uses the comment_post hook to run a function immediately after a comment is posted. The function checks whether the comment is approved and, if so, executes the code specified.
Note that the add_action line includes the priority and the number of parameters (
, 10, 2
). If we leave the number of parameters out, we will only be able to access to the first parameter ($comment_ID) in our function. We will not be able to access the second parameter ($comment_approved).$comment_approved
can also be ‘trash’ if the new comment is trashed automatically based on Settings > Discussion > Disallowed Comment Keys.Get notified via email when a user posts a comment on your site’s blog.