apply_filters( ‘body_class’, string[] $classes, string[] $css_class )

Filters the list of CSS body class names for the current post or page.


An array of body class names.
An array of additional class names added to the body.

More Information

Note that the filter function must return the array of classes after it is finished processing, or all of the classes will be cleared and could seriously impact the visual state of a user’s site.


$classes = apply_filters( 'body_class', $classes, $css_class );



User Contributed Notes

  1. Skip to note 5 content

    Add New Classes

    You can add additional body classes by filtering the ‘body_class’ hook.

    To add the following to the WordPress Theme functions.php file, changing my_class_names and class-name to meet your needs:

    // Add specific CSS class by filter.
    add_filter( 'body_class', function( $classes ) {
    	return array_merge( $classes, array( 'class-name' ) );
    } );
  2. Skip to note 6 content

    Following function adds CSS classes that may be useful

    function my_body_class( $classes )
    	$include = array
    		// browsers/devices (
    		'is-iphone'            => $GLOBALS['is_iphone'],
    		'is-chrome'            => $GLOBALS['is_chrome'],
    		'is-safari'            => $GLOBALS['is_safari'],
    		'is-ns4'               => $GLOBALS['is_NS4'],
    		'is-opera'             => $GLOBALS['is_opera'],
    		'is-mac-ie'            => $GLOBALS['is_macIE'],
    		'is-win-ie'            => $GLOBALS['is_winIE'],
    		'is-gecko'             => $GLOBALS['is_gecko'],
    		'is-lynx'              => $GLOBALS['is_lynx'],
    		'is-ie'                => $GLOBALS['is_IE'],
    		'is-edge'              => $GLOBALS['is_edge'],
    		// WP Query (already included by default, but nice to have same format)
    		'is-archive'           => is_archive(),
    		'is-post_type_archive' => is_post_type_archive(),
    		'is-attachment'        => is_attachment(),
    		'is-author'            => is_author(),
    		'is-category'          => is_category(),
    		'is-tag'               => is_tag(),
    		'is-tax'               => is_tax(),
    		'is-date'              => is_date(),
    		'is-day'               => is_day(),
    		'is-feed'              => is_feed(),
    		'is-comment-feed'      => is_comment_feed(),
    		'is-front-page'        => is_front_page(),
    		'is-home'              => is_home(),
    		'is-privacy-policy'    => is_privacy_policy(),
    		'is-month'             => is_month(),
    		'is-page'              => is_page(),
    		'is-paged'             => is_paged(),
    		'is-preview'           => is_preview(),
    		'is-robots'            => is_robots(),
    		'is-search'            => is_search(),
    		'is-single'            => is_single(),
    		'is-singular'          => is_singular(),
    		'is-time'              => is_time(),
    		'is-trackback'         => is_trackback(),
    		'is-year'              => is_year(),
    		'is-404'               => is_404(),
    		'is-embed'             => is_embed(),
    		// Mobile
    		'is-mobile'            => wp_is_mobile(),
    		'is-desktop' 		   => ! wp_is_mobile(),
    		// Common
    		'has-blocks'           => function_exists( 'has_blocks' ) && has_blocks(),
    	// Sidebars
    	foreach ( $GLOBALS['wp_registered_sidebars'] as $sidebar ) 
    		$include[ "is-sidebar-{$sidebar['id']}" ] = is_active_sidebar( $sidebar['id'] );
    	// Add classes
    	foreach ( $include as $class => $do_include ) 
    		if ( $do_include ) $classes[ $class ] = $class;
    	// Return
    	return $classes;
    add_filter( 'body_class', 'my_body_class' );
  3. Skip to note 7 content

    Remove Classes

    Remove an existing body class by un-setting the key from the $classes array.

    // Removes a class from the body_class array.
    add_filter( 'body_class', function( $classes ) {
    	if ( isset( $classes['class-to-remove'] ) ) {
    		unset( $classes['class-to-remove'] );
    	return $classes;
    } );
  4. Skip to note 8 content

    The body_class filter allows you to modify the array of classes applied to the tag. This can be useful for styling pages differently based on their context.

    Open functions.php: Go to your theme directory and open functions.php. This file is where you add custom functions and hooks.

    add_filter( 'body_class', 'custom_body_class', 10, 2 );
    function custom_body_class( $classes, $css_class ) {
        // Example condition 1: Add class for home page
        if ( is_home() ) {
            $classes[] = 'home-page';
        // Example condition 2: Add class for single posts
        if ( is_single() ) {
            $classes[] = 'single-post';
        // Example condition 3: Add class for pages using a specific template
        if ( is_page_template( 'custom-template.php' ) ) {
            $classes[] = 'custom-template';
        // Example condition 4: Add class for logged-in users
        if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
            $classes[] = 'logged-in';
        // Example condition 5: Add class based on user role
        if ( current_user_can( 'administrator' ) ) {
            $classes[] = 'admin-user';
        return $classes;

    Understanding the Conditions

    1. is_home() : Adds the home-page class if the current page is the home page.

    2. is_single() : Adds the single-post class if the current page is a single post.

    3. is_page_template() : Adds the custom-template class if the page is using a specific template.

    4. is_user_logged_in() : Adds the logged-in class if the user is logged in.

    5. current_user_can() : Adds the admin-user class if the current user has the ‘administrator’ role.

You must log in before being able to contribute a note or feedback.