wp_mkdir_p( string $target ): bool

Recursive directory creation based on full path.


Will attempt to set permissions on folders.


Full path to attempt to create.


bool Whether the path was created. True if path already exists.


function wp_mkdir_p( $target ) {
	$wrapper = null;

	// Strip the protocol.
	if ( wp_is_stream( $target ) ) {
		list( $wrapper, $target ) = explode( '://', $target, 2 );

	// From php.net/mkdir user contributed notes.
	$target = str_replace( '//', '/', $target );

	// Put the wrapper back on the target.
	if ( null !== $wrapper ) {
		$target = $wrapper . '://' . $target;

	 * Safe mode fails with a trailing slash under certain PHP versions.
	 * Use rtrim() instead of untrailingslashit to avoid formatting.php dependency.
	$target = rtrim( $target, '/' );
	if ( empty( $target ) ) {
		$target = '/';

	if ( file_exists( $target ) ) {
		return @is_dir( $target );

	// Do not allow path traversals.
	if ( str_contains( $target, '../' ) || str_contains( $target, '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ) ) {
		return false;

	// We need to find the permissions of the parent folder that exists and inherit that.
	$target_parent = dirname( $target );
	while ( '.' !== $target_parent && ! is_dir( $target_parent ) && dirname( $target_parent ) !== $target_parent ) {
		$target_parent = dirname( $target_parent );

	// Get the permission bits.
	$stat = @stat( $target_parent );
	if ( $stat ) {
		$dir_perms = $stat['mode'] & 0007777;
	} else {
		$dir_perms = 0777;

	if ( @mkdir( $target, $dir_perms, true ) ) {

		 * If a umask is set that modifies $dir_perms, we'll have to re-set
		 * the $dir_perms correctly with chmod()
		if ( ( $dir_perms & ~umask() ) !== $dir_perms ) {
			$folder_parts = explode( '/', substr( $target, strlen( $target_parent ) + 1 ) );
			for ( $i = 1, $c = count( $folder_parts ); $i <= $c; $i++ ) {
				chmod( $target_parent . '/' . implode( '/', array_slice( $folder_parts, 0, $i ) ), $dir_perms );

		return true;

	return false;



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