wp_encode_emoji( string $content ): string

Converts emoji characters to their equivalent HTML entity.


This allows us to store emoji in a DB using the utf8 character set.


The content to encode.


string The encoded content.


function wp_encode_emoji( $content ) {
	$emoji = _wp_emoji_list( 'partials' );

	foreach ( $emoji as $emojum ) {
		$emoji_char = html_entity_decode( $emojum );
		if ( str_contains( $content, $emoji_char ) ) {
			$content = preg_replace( "/$emoji_char/", $emojum, $content );

	return $content;



User Contributed Notes

  1. Skip to note 2 content

    You can also pass text with emoji.
    You will not see any difference in output even after you use wp_encode_emoji(). Because the browser will still display the html encoded version as emoji. To see the difference, you need to View page source.

    print_r(' This is a text with emoji 🎃' ); // This is a text with emoji 🎃
    print_r( wp_encode_emoji( 'This is a text with emoji 🎃' ) ); // This is a text with emoji 🎃

    To convert the html encoded version back to the unicode emoji, use html_entity_decode().

    $html_encoded = wp_encode_emoji( '🎃' );
    $html_decoded = html_entity_decode( $html_encoded );

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