term_description( int $term, null $deprecated = null ): string

Retrieves term description.


Term ID. Defaults to the current term ID.
Deprecated. Not used.



string Term description, if available.

More Information

First available with WordPress Version 2.8, this template tag returns the description of a given term. A term ID and taxonomy are as parameters. If no term ID is passed, the description of current queried term (e.g. post category or tag) will be returned.

Output is wrapped in <p> tags.


function term_description( $term = 0, $deprecated = null ) {
	if ( ! $term && ( is_tax() || is_tag() || is_category() ) ) {
		$term = get_queried_object();
		if ( $term ) {
			$term = $term->term_id;

	$description = get_term_field( 'description', $term );

	return is_wp_error( $description ) ? '' : $description;


4.9.2The $taxonomy parameter was deprecated.

User Contributed Notes

  1. Skip to note 4 content

    If you want to filter the description, don’t use this function, use get_the_archive_description() instead. This one does apply_filters before returning the description, and uses term_description() internally to retrieve the description when is for a term.

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