wp_enqueue_emoji_styles()wp-includes/formatting.php | Enqueues the important emoji-related styles.
wp_enqueue_admin_bar_bump_styles()wp-includes/admin-bar.php | Enqueues inline bump styles to make room for the admin bar.
wp_enqueue_admin_bar_header_styles()wp-includes/admin-bar.php | Enqueues inline style to hide the admin bar when printing.
wp_enqueue_embed_styles()wp-includes/embed.php | Enqueues the CSS in the embed iframe header.
wp_enqueue_block_template_skip_link()wp-includes/theme-templates.php | Enqueues the skip-link script & styles.
wp_enqueue_global_styles_custom_css()wp-includes/deprecated.php | Enqueues the global styles custom css defined via theme.json.
_wp_get_iframed_editor_assets()wp-includes/block-editor.php | Collect the block editor assets that need to be loaded into the editor’s iframe.
locate_block_template()wp-includes/block-template.php | Finds a block template with equal or higher specificity than a given PHP template file.
wp_enqueue_global_styles()wp-includes/script-loader.php | Enqueues the global styles defined via theme.json.
wp_is_site_initialized()wp-includes/ms-site.php | Checks whether a site is initialized.
WP_Roles::get_roles_data()wp-includes/class-wp-roles.php | Gets the available roles data.
_wp_delete_customize_changeset_dependent_auto_drafts()wp-includes/nav-menu.php | Deletes auto-draft posts associated with the supplied changeset.
_wp_customize_publish_changeset()wp-includes/theme.php | Publishes a snapshot’s changes.
WP_Post_Type::unregister_meta_boxes()wp-includes/class-wp-post-type.php | Unregisters the post type meta box if a custom callback was specified.
WP_Post_Type::remove_hooks()wp-includes/class-wp-post-type.php | Removes the future post hook action for the post type.
WP_Automatic_Updater::run()wp-admin/includes/class-wp-automatic-updater.php | Kicks off the background update process, looping through all pending updates.
Language_Pack_Upgrader::bulk_upgrade()wp-admin/includes/class-language-pack-upgrader.php | Upgrades several language packs at once.
Theme_Upgrader::install()wp-admin/includes/class-theme-upgrader.php | Install a theme package.
Theme_Upgrader::upgrade()wp-admin/includes/class-theme-upgrader.php | Upgrades a theme.
Plugin_Upgrader::install()wp-admin/includes/class-plugin-upgrader.php | Install a plugin package.
Plugin_Upgrader::upgrade()wp-admin/includes/class-plugin-upgrader.php | Upgrades a plugin.
WP_MS_Themes_List_Table::single_row()wp-admin/includes/class-wp-ms-themes-list-table.php | |
WP_Customize_Manager::__construct()wp-includes/class-wp-customize-manager.php | Constructor.
_remove_theme_support()wp-includes/theme.php | Do not use. Removes theme support internally without knowledge of those not used by themes directly.
check_theme_switched()wp-includes/theme.php | Checks if a theme has been changed and runs ‘after_switch_theme’ hook on the next WP load.
automatic_feed_links()wp-includes/deprecated.php | Enable/disable automatic general feed link outputting.
add_feed()wp-includes/rewrite.php | Adds a new feed type like /atom1/.
wp_print_media_templates()wp-includes/media-template.php | Prints the templates used in the media manager.
This function is identical to the remove_filter() function.
remove_action() must be called inside a function and cannot be called directly in your plugin or theme.
If an action has been added from within a class, for example by a plugin, removing it will require accessing the class through a variable that holds the class instance.
Unless the function is static in which case you could call the class and function directly.
If you need to be able to remove an action/filter for a class object you do not have access to, you can do so with this function (which includes support for WordPress 4.7+):
The old codex contains this very important note that unfortunately didn’t make it into this page:
Important: To remove a hook, the
and$priority arguments
must match when the hook was added. This goes for both filters and actions. No warning will be given on removal failure.Related: