Get the filesystem directory path (with trailing slash) for the plugin __FILE__ passed in.
stringrequired- The filename of the plugin (__FILE__).
function plugin_dir_path( $file ) {
return trailingslashit( dirname( $file ) );
Version | Description |
2.8.0 | Introduced. |
Including all PHP files from a plugin sub folder and avoiding adding a unnecessary global just to determine a path that is already available everywhere just using WP core functions.
If you want the get the path one level up from the current dir, you can do
Get the directory of the current file:
directory.Define path constant
For calling numerous files, it is sometimes convenient to define a constant:
Conditional loading
It is sometimes efficient to conditionally load files, e.g., admin-only (or even by specific admin screen):
If you use this function, you can as well just use
trailingslashit( __DIR__ )
. There is literally no point at all in using the wrapper.This is NOT a pendant to what it “pretends” to be (
), and it is a big negligence that such pendant simply does not exist for plugins.One has to either use
trailingslashit( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/your-plugin' )
to get the pendant ofget_template_directory
in a plugin, or create a custom function, if you do not want to use a constant.define( 'PREFIX_BASE_PATH', plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) );
define( 'PREFIX_ASSETS_URL', plugins_url( '/assets', __FILE__ ) );
use constant ‘PREFIX_BASE_PATH to include files in functions and files, e.g.,
include( PREFIX_BASE_PATH . 'inc/init.php' );
use constant: ‘PREFIX_ASSETS_URL’ to load assets via url (like; js, css, and images). e.g.,
wp_register_style( 'prefix_library', PREFIX_ASSETS_URL . '/dir/lib.css' );