Hooks into the REST API response for the core/navigation block and adds the first and last inner blocks.
WP_REST_Responserequired- The response object.
WP_Postrequired- Post object.
function insert_hooked_blocks_into_rest_response( $response, $post ) {
if ( ! isset( $response->data['content']['raw'] ) || ! isset( $response->data['content']['rendered'] ) ) {
return $response;
$attributes = array();
$ignored_hooked_blocks = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_wp_ignored_hooked_blocks', true );
if ( ! empty( $ignored_hooked_blocks ) ) {
$ignored_hooked_blocks = json_decode( $ignored_hooked_blocks, true );
$attributes['metadata'] = array(
'ignoredHookedBlocks' => $ignored_hooked_blocks,
$content = get_comment_delimited_block_content(
$content = apply_block_hooks_to_content( $content, $post );
// Remove mock Navigation block wrapper.
$content = remove_serialized_parent_block( $content );
$response->data['content']['raw'] = $content;
/** This filter is documented in wp-includes/post-template.php */
$response->data['content']['rendered'] = apply_filters( 'the_content', $content );
return $response;
- apply_filters( ‘the_content’,
string $content ) Filters the post content.
Version | Description |
6.6.0 | Introduced. |
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