get_template(): string

Retrieves name of the active theme.


string Template name.

More Information

This function retrieves the directory name of the current theme, without the trailing slash. In the case a child theme is being used, the directory name of the parent theme will be returned. Use get_stylesheet() to get the directory name of the child theme.


function get_template() {
	 * Filters the name of the active theme.
	 * @since 1.5.0
	 * @param string $template active theme's directory name.
	return apply_filters( 'template', get_option( 'template' ) );


apply_filters( ‘template’, string $template )

Filters the name of the active theme.



User Contributed Notes

  1. Skip to note 4 content

    Note that get_template will return the parent theme’s name, NOT the child theme’s name, if a child theme is currently activated.

    If you wish to obtain the current theme regardless if it is a child theme or the parent theme, use get_stylesheet

    (reference question on wordpress stack exchange)

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