Retrieves a list of sites matching requested arguments.
See also
string|arrayoptional- Array or string of arguments. See WP_Site_Query::__construct() for information on accepted arguments.
function get_sites( $args = array() ) {
$query = new WP_Site_Query();
return $query->query( $args );
Also good to know… get_sites now returns an OBJECT not a named array.
A code example that may help:
Beware, using
as a drop-in forwp_get_sites()
may not produce results as expected.PHP Fatal error: Cannot use object of type WP_Site as array in /path/to/code/that/uses/get_sites/method/file.php
It’s true that
returns an array, however, it produces an array of sites as objects. This is different fromwp_get_sites()
, which used to produce a multidimensional array of the sites, with their properties in a secondary array dimension (simply an array of site arrays with that site’s properties).If you’re attempting to loop through the sites to get the properties of each site with get_sites() , you’ll need to convert each site object to an array using
get_object_vars( object ) the example below noting the use of get_object_vars on line three:
This should return the following list of sites:
Site ID/Name: 1 / SiteNameOne
Site ID/Name: 2 / SiteNameTwo
Site ID/Name: 3 / SiteNameThree
wp_get_sites() ‘limit’ argument is now ‘number’.
wp_get_sites() converted this to $args[‘number’] for you, get_sites() does not appear to handle this parameter name conversion for you.
The number of sites returned is limited to 100 by default. you can increase this using
.Note that -1 (often used to “get all”) does not appear to work here.