Retrieves path of category template in current or parent template.
The hierarchy for this template looks like:
- category-{slug}.php
- category-{id}.php
- category.php
An example of this is:
- category-news.php
- category-2.php
- category.php
The template hierarchy and template path are filterable via the ‘$type_template_hierarchy’ and ‘$type_template’ dynamic hooks, where $type
is ‘category’.
See also
function get_category_template() {
$category = get_queried_object();
$templates = array();
if ( ! empty( $category->slug ) ) {
$slug_decoded = urldecode( $category->slug );
if ( $slug_decoded !== $category->slug ) {
$templates[] = "category-{$slug_decoded}.php";
$templates[] = "category-{$category->slug}.php";
$templates[] = "category-{$category->term_id}.php";
$templates[] = 'category.php';
return get_query_template( 'category', $templates );
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