Function responsible for enqueuing the assets required for block styles functionality on the editor.
function enqueue_editor_block_styles_assets() {
$block_styles = WP_Block_Styles_Registry::get_instance()->get_all_registered();
$register_script_lines = array( '( function() {' );
foreach ( $block_styles as $block_name => $styles ) {
foreach ( $styles as $style_properties ) {
$block_style = array(
'name' => $style_properties['name'],
'label' => $style_properties['label'],
if ( isset( $style_properties['is_default'] ) ) {
$block_style['isDefault'] = $style_properties['is_default'];
$register_script_lines[] = sprintf(
' wp.blocks.registerBlockStyle( \'%s\', %s );',
wp_json_encode( $block_style )
$register_script_lines[] = '} )();';
$inline_script = implode( "\n", $register_script_lines );
wp_register_script( 'wp-block-styles', false, array( 'wp-blocks' ), true, array( 'in_footer' => true ) );
wp_add_inline_script( 'wp-block-styles', $inline_script );
wp_enqueue_script( 'wp-block-styles' );
Version | Description |
5.3.0 | Introduced. |
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