File: wp-includes/script-loader.php
Removes leading and trailing _empty_ script tags.
Loads classic theme styles on classic themes in the frontend.
Loads classic theme styles on classic themes in the editor.
Fetches, processes and compiles stored core styles, then combines and renders them to the page.
Applies a filter to the list of style nodes that comes from WP_Theme_JSON::get_style_nodes().
Hooks inline styles in the proper place, depending on the active theme.
Registers development scripts that integrate with `@wordpress/scripts`.
Makes URLs relative to the WordPress installation.
Function that enqueues the CSS Custom Properties coming from theme.json.
Enqueues a stylesheet for a specific block.
The maximum size of inlined styles in bytes.
Allows small styles to be inlined.
Enqueues the assets required for the format library within the block editor.
Enqueues the global styles defined via theme.json.
Checks whether separate styles should be loaded for core blocks on-render.
Filters whether block styles should be loaded separately.
Constructs an inline script tag.
Filters attributes to be added to a script tag.
Prints an inline script tag.
Filters attributes to be added to a script tag.
Prints formatted “ loader tag.
Sanitizes an attributes array into an attributes string to be placed inside a “ tag.
Formats “ loader tags.
Checks if the editor scripts and styles for all registered block types should be enqueued on the current screen.
Filters the flag that decides whether or not block editor scripts and styles are going to be enqueued on the current screen.
Enqueues the assets required for the block directory within the block editor.
Function responsible for enqueuing the styles required for block styles functionality on the editor and on the frontend.
Function responsible for enqueuing the assets required for block styles functionality on the editor.
Handles the enqueueing of block scripts and styles that are common to both the editor and the front-end.
Fires after enqueuing block assets for both editor and front-end.