_wp_array_get( array $input_array, array $path, mixed $default_value = null ): mixed

This function’s access is marked private. This means it is not intended for use by plugin or theme developers, only in other core functions. It is listed here for completeness.

Accesses an array in depth based on a path of keys.


It is the PHP equivalent of JavaScript’s lodash.get() and mirroring it may help other components retain some symmetry between client and server implementations.

Example usage:

$input_array = array(
    'a' => array(
        'b' => array(
            'c' => 1,
_wp_array_get( $input_array, array( 'a', 'b', 'c' ) );


An array from which we want to retrieve some information.
An array of keys describing the path with which to retrieve information.
The return value if the path does not exist within the array, or if $input_array or $path are not arrays.



mixed The value from the path specified.


function _wp_array_get( $input_array, $path, $default_value = null ) {
	// Confirm $path is valid.
	if ( ! is_array( $path ) || 0 === count( $path ) ) {
		return $default_value;

	foreach ( $path as $path_element ) {
		if ( ! is_array( $input_array ) ) {
			return $default_value;

		if ( is_string( $path_element )
			|| is_integer( $path_element )
			|| null === $path_element
		) {
			 * Check if the path element exists in the input array.
			 * We check with `isset()` first, as it is a lot faster
			 * than `array_key_exists()`.
			if ( isset( $input_array[ $path_element ] ) ) {
				$input_array = $input_array[ $path_element ];

			 * If `isset()` returns false, we check with `array_key_exists()`,
			 * which also checks for `null` values.
			if ( array_key_exists( $path_element, $input_array ) ) {
				$input_array = $input_array[ $path_element ];

		return $default_value;

	return $input_array;



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