WP_Http::processHeaders( string|array $headers, string $url = '' ): array

In this article

Transforms header string into an array.


The original headers. If a string is passed, it will be converted to an array. If an array is passed, then it is assumed to be raw header data with numeric keys with the headers as the values.
No headers must be passed that were already processed.
The URL that was requested.



array Processed string headers. If duplicate headers are encountered, then a numbered array is returned as the value of that header-key.
  • response array
    • code int
      The response status code. Default 0.
    • message string
      The response message. Default empty.
  • newheaders array
    The processed header data as a multidimensional array.
  • cookies WP_Http_Cookie[]
    If the original headers contain the 'Set-Cookie' key, an array containing WP_Http_Cookie objects is returned.


public static function processHeaders( $headers, $url = '' ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.MethodNameInvalid
	// Split headers, one per array element.
	if ( is_string( $headers ) ) {
		// Tolerate line terminator: CRLF = LF (RFC 2616 19.3).
		$headers = str_replace( "\r\n", "\n", $headers );
		 * Unfold folded header fields. LWS = [CRLF] 1*( SP | HT ) <US-ASCII SP, space (32)>,
		 * <US-ASCII HT, horizontal-tab (9)> (RFC 2616 2.2).
		$headers = preg_replace( '/\n[ \t]/', ' ', $headers );
		// Create the headers array.
		$headers = explode( "\n", $headers );

	$response = array(
		'code'    => 0,
		'message' => '',

	 * If a redirection has taken place, The headers for each page request may have been passed.
	 * In this case, determine the final HTTP header and parse from there.
	for ( $i = count( $headers ) - 1; $i >= 0; $i-- ) {
		if ( ! empty( $headers[ $i ] ) && ! str_contains( $headers[ $i ], ':' ) ) {
			$headers = array_splice( $headers, $i );

	$cookies    = array();
	$newheaders = array();
	foreach ( (array) $headers as $tempheader ) {
		if ( empty( $tempheader ) ) {

		if ( ! str_contains( $tempheader, ':' ) ) {
			$stack   = explode( ' ', $tempheader, 3 );
			$stack[] = '';
			list( , $response['code'], $response['message']) = $stack;

		list($key, $value) = explode( ':', $tempheader, 2 );

		$key   = strtolower( $key );
		$value = trim( $value );

		if ( isset( $newheaders[ $key ] ) ) {
			if ( ! is_array( $newheaders[ $key ] ) ) {
				$newheaders[ $key ] = array( $newheaders[ $key ] );
			$newheaders[ $key ][] = $value;
		} else {
			$newheaders[ $key ] = $value;
		if ( 'set-cookie' === $key ) {
			$cookies[] = new WP_Http_Cookie( $value, $url );

	// Cast the Response Code to an int.
	$response['code'] = (int) $response['code'];

	return array(
		'response' => $response,
		'headers'  => $newheaders,
		'cookies'  => $cookies,



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