WP_Admin_Bar::get_node( string $id ): object|void

Gets a node.




object|void Node.

More Information

This function returns a Toolbar object with all the properties of a single Toolbar item. Toolbar items are also called “nodes”.

The parameter $id is the node ID of the Toolbar item you want to get. Default is None.

Finding Toolbar Node ID’s

The node ID’s can be found in the HTML source code of any WordPress page with a Toolbar on it. Find the list items that have ID’s that start with “wp-admin-bar-“. For example, the list item ID for the WordPress Logo on the left in the Toolbar is “wp-admin-bar-wp-logo”:

<li id="wp-admin-bar-wp-logo" class="menupop"> … </li>

Remove “wp-admin-bar-” from the list item ID to get the node ID. From this example the node ID is “wp-logo”.

Note: It’s also possible to see all node ID’s with example from get_nodes().


final public function get_node( $id ) {
	$node = $this->_get_node( $id );
	if ( $node ) {
		return clone $node;



User Contributed Notes

  1. Skip to note 2 content

    Remove the Toolbar “Updates” Item if it Exists

    Put this in your theme’s functions.php file.

     * Removes the "Updates" link from the Toolbar.
     * @param WP_Admin_Bar $wp_admin_bar Toolbar instance.
    function wpdocs_check_updates_node( $wp_admin_bar ) {
    	$updates_node = $wp_admin_bar->get_node( 'updates' );
    	// Check if the 'updates' node exists
    	if( $updates_node ) {
    		$wp_admin_bar->remove_node( 'updates' );
    add_action( 'admin_bar_menu', 'wpdocs_check_updates_node', 999 );

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