wp plugin auto-updates <command>

Manages plugin auto-updates.

In this article


# Enable the auto-updates for a plugin
$ wp plugin auto-updates enable hello
Plugin auto-updates for 'hello' enabled.
Success: Enabled 1 of 1 plugin auto-updates.

# Disable the auto-updates for a plugin
$ wp plugin auto-updates disable hello
Plugin auto-updates for 'hello' disabled.
Success: Disabled 1 of 1 plugin auto-updates.

# Get the status of plugin auto-updates
$ wp plugin auto-updates status hello
Auto-updates for plugin 'hello' are disabled.


wp plugin auto-updates disable

Disables the auto-updates for a plugin.

wp plugin auto-updates enable

Enables the auto-updates for a plugin.

wp plugin auto-updates status

Shows the status of auto-updates for a plugin.

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