New and updated in 6.3.0
Sets the last changed time for the ‘users’ cache group.
Checks if password reset is allowed for a specific user.
Fires after the user has been updated and emails have been sent.
Fires after a cache group `last_changed` time is updated.
Filters the memory limit allocated for WP-Cron event processing.
Sets last changed date for the specified cache group to now.
Checks whether the given cache ID is either an integer or an integer-like string.
Accesses a flag that indicates if an element is a possible candidate for `fetchpriority=’high’`.
Filters the minimum square-pixels threshold for an image to be eligible as the high-priority image.
Gets loading optimization attributes.
Determines whether to add `fetchpriority=’high’` to loading attributes.
Adds optimization attributes to an `img` HTML tag.
Filters the context in which wp_get_attachment_image() is used.
Queue comment meta for lazy-loading.
Filters whether to short-circuit loading .mo file.
Filter the `wp_get_attachment_image_context` hook during shortcode rendering.
Replaces CSS variables with their values in place.
Resolves the values of CSS variables in the given styles.