New and updated in 2.1.0
Fires before a particular screen is loaded.
Fires before a particular screen is loaded.
Displays last step of custom header image page.
Used by 2 functions | Uses 1 function | Source: wp-admin/includes/class-custom-image-header.php:1110 -
Displays the page based on the current step.
Used by 0 functions | Uses 6 functions | Source: wp-admin/includes/class-custom-image-header.php:1120 -
Displays first step of custom header image page.
Used by 2 functions | Uses 25 functions | Source: wp-admin/includes/class-custom-image-header.php:507 -
Displays second step of custom header image page.
Used by 1 function | Uses 21 functions | Source: wp-admin/includes/class-custom-image-header.php:828 -
Filters the attachment file path after the custom header or background image is set.
Used by 5 functions | Uses 0 functions | Source: wp-admin/includes/class-custom-image-header.php:896 -
Displays third step of custom header image page.
Used by 1 function | Uses 17 functions | Source: wp-admin/includes/class-custom-image-header.php:1016 -
The custom header image class.
Constructor – Registers administration header callback.
Sets up the hooks for the Custom Header admin page.
Sets up the enqueue for the JavaScript files.
Used by 0 functions | Uses 3 functions | Source: wp-admin/includes/class-custom-image-header.php:178 -
Executes JavaScript depending on step.
Used by 0 functions | Uses 4 functions | Source: wp-admin/includes/class-custom-image-header.php:355 -
Fires after all meta box sections have been output, before the closing #post-body div.
Removes all of the capabilities of the user.
Filters the URI the user is redirected to after editing a comment in the admin.
Sets up capability object properties.
Sets up the object properties.
Filters the non-default cron schedules.
Retrieves the name of the recurrence schedule for an event.
Retrieves cron info array option.
Schedules a recurring event.
Updates the cron option with the new cron array.
Reschedules a recurring event.
Upgrades a cron info array.
Unschedules a previously scheduled event.