apply_filters( “manage_{$screen->id}_columns”, string[] $columns )

Filters the column headers for a list table on a specific screen.


The dynamic portion of the hook name, $screen->id, refers to the ID of a specific screen. For example, the screen ID for the Posts list table is edit-post, so the filter for that screen would be manage_edit-post_columns.


The column header labels keyed by column ID.

More Information

We need to care while using manage_{$screen->id}_columns hook for media screen because when we used manage_media_columns hook we will receive Too few arguments fatal error in Add New Media File page error.

add_filter( 'manage_media_columns', array( $this, 'filter_media_table_columns' ), 100, 2 );

This error is coming because in the ‘manage_media_columns’ filter hook in wp-admin/includes/class-wp-media-list-table.php passes two arguments.

Hook Details :


$column_headers[ $screen->id ] = apply_filters( "manage_{$screen->id}_columns", array() );



User Contributed Notes

  1. Skip to note 4 content

    Example migrated from Codex:

    Add Columns

    Suppose you have a ‘books’ custom post type and you want to add the publisher and book author to the list of columns.

    add_filter('manage_books_posts_columns' , 'book_cpt_columns');
    function book_cpt_columns($columns) {
    	$new_columns = array(
    		'publisher' => __('Publisher', 'ThemeName'),
    		'book_author' => __('Book Author', 'ThemeName'),
        return array_merge($columns, $new_columns);

    Replace Columns

    Here’s another example that removes and replaces some of the columns.

    add_filter('manage_books_posts_columns' , 'book_cpt_columns');
    function book_cpt_columns($columns) {
    	$new_columns = array(
    		'publisher' => __('Publisher', 'ThemeName'),
    		'book_author' => __('Book Author', 'ThemeName'),
        return array_merge($columns, $new_columns);

    Note that unlike an array data type, the unset PHP function accepts arguments in which the last argument should NOT end with a comma.

    Hide Columns

    Here is an example of how to remove or (hide) columns from Pages / Posts and Custom Post Types without adding any.

    You can also add the name of the custom-post type and filter them out in there too… But if you have 5 custom post types you will need five different filters.

    Note: Replace the text CUSTOMPOSTTYPE below with the name of your post type.

    // Filter pages
    add_filter( 'manage_edit-page_columns', 'my_columns_filter',10, 1 );	
    // Filter Posts
    add_filter( 'manage_edit-post_columns', 'my_columns_filter',10, 1 );
    // Custom Post Type
    add_filter( 'manage_edit-CUSTOMPOSTTYPE_columns', 'my_columns_filter',10, 1 );
    function my_columns_filter( $columns ) {
       return $columns;
  2. Skip to note 6 content

    We need to care while using manage_{$screen->id}_columns hook for media screen because when we used manage_media_columns hook we will receive Too few arguments fatal error in Add New Media File page error.

    add_filter( 'manage_media_columns', array( $this, 'filter_media_table_columns' ), 100, 2 );

    This error is coming because in the 'manage_media_columns' filter hook in wp-admin/includes/class-wp-media-list-table.php passes two arguments.

    Hook Details :

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