Returns a list from of popular importer plugins.
function wp_get_popular_importers() {
// Include an unmodified $wp_version.
require ABSPATH . WPINC . '/version.php';
$locale = get_user_locale();
$cache_key = 'popular_importers_' . md5( $locale . $wp_version );
$popular_importers = get_site_transient( $cache_key );
if ( ! $popular_importers ) {
$url = add_query_arg(
'locale' => $locale,
'version' => $wp_version,
$options = array( 'user-agent' => 'WordPress/' . $wp_version . '; ' . home_url( '/' ) );
if ( wp_http_supports( array( 'ssl' ) ) ) {
$url = set_url_scheme( $url, 'https' );
$response = wp_remote_get( $url, $options );
$popular_importers = json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ), true );
if ( is_array( $popular_importers ) ) {
set_site_transient( $cache_key, $popular_importers, 2 * DAY_IN_SECONDS );
} else {
$popular_importers = false;
if ( is_array( $popular_importers ) ) {
// If the data was received as translated, return it as-is.
if ( $popular_importers['translated'] ) {
return $popular_importers['importers'];
foreach ( $popular_importers['importers'] as &$importer ) {
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.I18n.LowLevelTranslationFunction,WordPress.WP.I18n.NonSingularStringLiteralText
$importer['description'] = translate( $importer['description'] );
if ( 'WordPress' !== $importer['name'] ) {
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.I18n.LowLevelTranslationFunction,WordPress.WP.I18n.NonSingularStringLiteralText
$importer['name'] = translate( $importer['name'] );
return $popular_importers['importers'];
return array(
// slug => name, description, plugin slug, and register_importer() slug.
'blogger' => array(
'name' => __( 'Blogger' ),
'description' => __( 'Import posts, comments, and users from a Blogger blog.' ),
'plugin-slug' => 'blogger-importer',
'importer-id' => 'blogger',
'wpcat2tag' => array(
'name' => __( 'Categories and Tags Converter' ),
'description' => __( 'Convert existing categories to tags or tags to categories, selectively.' ),
'plugin-slug' => 'wpcat2tag-importer',
'importer-id' => 'wp-cat2tag',
'livejournal' => array(
'name' => __( 'LiveJournal' ),
'description' => __( 'Import posts from LiveJournal using their API.' ),
'plugin-slug' => 'livejournal-importer',
'importer-id' => 'livejournal',
'movabletype' => array(
'name' => __( 'Movable Type and TypePad' ),
'description' => __( 'Import posts and comments from a Movable Type or TypePad blog.' ),
'plugin-slug' => 'movabletype-importer',
'importer-id' => 'mt',
'rss' => array(
'name' => __( 'RSS' ),
'description' => __( 'Import posts from an RSS feed.' ),
'plugin-slug' => 'rss-importer',
'importer-id' => 'rss',
'tumblr' => array(
'name' => __( 'Tumblr' ),
'description' => __( 'Import posts & media from Tumblr using their API.' ),
'plugin-slug' => 'tumblr-importer',
'importer-id' => 'tumblr',
'wordpress' => array(
'name' => 'WordPress',
'description' => __( 'Import posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, and tags from a WordPress export file.' ),
'plugin-slug' => 'wordpress-importer',
'importer-id' => 'wordpress',
Version | Description |
3.5.0 | Introduced. |
User Contributed Notes
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