wp_filter_oembed_result( string $result, object $data, string $url ): string

Filters the given oEmbed HTML.


If the $url isn’t on the trusted providers list, we need to filter the HTML heavily for security.

Only filters ‘rich’ and ‘video’ response types.


The oEmbed HTML result.
A data object result from an oEmbed provider.
The URL of the content to be embedded.


string The filtered and sanitized oEmbed result.


function wp_filter_oembed_result( $result, $data, $url ) {
	if ( false === $result || ! in_array( $data->type, array( 'rich', 'video' ), true ) ) {
		return $result;

	$wp_oembed = _wp_oembed_get_object();

	// Don't modify the HTML for trusted providers.
	if ( false !== $wp_oembed->get_provider( $url, array( 'discover' => false ) ) ) {
		return $result;

	$allowed_html = array(
		'a'          => array(
			'href' => true,
		'blockquote' => array(),
		'iframe'     => array(
			'src'          => true,
			'width'        => true,
			'height'       => true,
			'frameborder'  => true,
			'marginwidth'  => true,
			'marginheight' => true,
			'scrolling'    => true,
			'title'        => true,

	$html = wp_kses( $result, $allowed_html );

	preg_match( '|(<blockquote>.*?</blockquote>)?.*(<iframe.*?></iframe>)|ms', $html, $content );
	// We require at least the iframe to exist.
	if ( empty( $content[2] ) ) {
		return false;
	$html = $content[1] . $content[2];

	preg_match( '/ src=([\'"])(.*?)\1/', $html, $results );

	if ( ! empty( $results ) ) {
		$secret = wp_generate_password( 10, false );

		$url = esc_url( "{$results[2]}#?secret=$secret" );
		$q   = $results[1];

		$html = str_replace( $results[0], ' src=' . $q . $url . $q . ' data-secret=' . $q . $secret . $q, $html );
		$html = str_replace( '<blockquote', "<blockquote data-secret=\"$secret\"", $html );

	$allowed_html['blockquote']['data-secret'] = true;
	$allowed_html['iframe']['data-secret']     = true;

	$html = wp_kses( $html, $allowed_html );

	if ( ! empty( $content[1] ) ) {
		// We have a blockquote to fall back on. Hide the iframe by default.
		$html = str_replace( '<iframe', '<iframe style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden;"', $html );
		$html = str_replace( '<blockquote', '<blockquote class="wp-embedded-content"', $html );

	$html = str_ireplace( '<iframe', '<iframe class="wp-embedded-content" sandbox="allow-scripts" security="restricted"', $html );

	return $html;



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