Corrects 404 redirects when NOBLOGREDIRECT is defined.
function maybe_redirect_404() {
if ( is_main_site() && is_404() && defined( 'NOBLOGREDIRECT' ) ) {
* Filters the redirect URL for 404s on the main site.
* The filter is only evaluated if the NOBLOGREDIRECT constant is defined.
* @since 3.0.0
* @param string $no_blog_redirect The redirect URL defined in NOBLOGREDIRECT.
$destination = apply_filters( 'blog_redirect_404', NOBLOGREDIRECT );
if ( $destination ) {
if ( '%siteurl%' === $destination ) {
$destination = network_home_url();
wp_redirect( $destination );
- apply_filters( ‘blog_redirect_404’,
string $no_blog_redirect ) Filters the redirect URL for 404s on the main site.
Version | Description |
MU (3.0.0) | Introduced. |
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