maybe_drop_column( string $table_name, string $column_name, string $drop_ddl ): bool

In this article

Drops column from database table, if it exists.


Database table name.
Table column name.
SQL statement to drop column.


bool True on success or if the column doesn’t exist. False on failure.


function maybe_drop_column( $table_name, $column_name, $drop_ddl ) {
	global $wpdb;

	// phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared -- Cannot be prepared. Fetches columns for table names.
	foreach ( $wpdb->get_col( "DESC $table_name", 0 ) as $column ) {
		if ( $column === $column_name ) {

			// Found it, so try to drop it.
			// phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared -- No applicable variables for this query.
			$wpdb->query( $drop_ddl );

			// We cannot directly tell whether this succeeded!
			// phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared -- Cannot be prepared. Fetches columns for table names.
			foreach ( $wpdb->get_col( "DESC $table_name", 0 ) as $column ) {
				if ( $column === $column_name ) {
					return false;

	// Else didn't find it.
	return true;



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