Deletes WordPress rewrite rule from web.config file if it exists there.
stringrequired- Name of the configuration file.
function iis7_delete_rewrite_rule( $filename ) {
// If configuration file does not exist then rules also do not exist, so there is nothing to delete.
if ( ! file_exists( $filename ) ) {
return true;
if ( ! class_exists( 'DOMDocument', false ) ) {
return false;
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$doc->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
if ( $doc->load( $filename ) === false ) {
return false;
$xpath = new DOMXPath( $doc );
$rules = $xpath->query( '/configuration/system.webServer/rewrite/rules/rule[starts-with(@name,\'wordpress\')] | /configuration/system.webServer/rewrite/rules/rule[starts-with(@name,\'WordPress\')]' );
if ( $rules->length > 0 ) {
$child = $rules->item( 0 );
$parent = $child->parentNode;
$parent->removeChild( $child );
$doc->formatOutput = true;
saveDomDocument( $doc, $filename );
return true;
Version | Description |
2.8.0 | Introduced. |
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