do_shortcodes_in_html_tags( string $content, bool $ignore_html, array $tagnames ): string

Searches only inside HTML elements for shortcodes and process them.


Any [ or ] characters remaining inside elements will be HTML encoded to prevent interference with shortcodes that are outside the elements.
Assumes $content processed by KSES already. Users with unfiltered_html capability may get unexpected output if angle braces are nested in tags.


Content to search for shortcodes.
When true, all square braces inside elements will be encoded.
List of shortcodes to find.


string Content with shortcodes filtered out.


function do_shortcodes_in_html_tags( $content, $ignore_html, $tagnames ) {
	// Normalize entities in unfiltered HTML before adding placeholders.
	$trans   = array(
		'[' => '[',
		']' => ']',
	$content = strtr( $content, $trans );
	$trans   = array(
		'[' => '[',
		']' => ']',

	$pattern = get_shortcode_regex( $tagnames );
	$textarr = wp_html_split( $content );

	foreach ( $textarr as &$element ) {
		if ( '' === $element || '<' !== $element[0] ) {

		$noopen  = ! str_contains( $element, '[' );
		$noclose = ! str_contains( $element, ']' );
		if ( $noopen || $noclose ) {
			// This element does not contain shortcodes.
			if ( $noopen xor $noclose ) {
				// Need to encode stray '[' or ']' chars.
				$element = strtr( $element, $trans );

		if ( $ignore_html || str_starts_with( $element, '<!--' ) || str_starts_with( $element, '<![CDATA[' ) ) {
			// Encode all '[' and ']' chars.
			$element = strtr( $element, $trans );

		$attributes = wp_kses_attr_parse( $element );
		if ( false === $attributes ) {
			// Some plugins are doing things like [name] <[email]>.
			if ( 1 === preg_match( '%^<\s*\[\[?[^\[\]]+\]%', $element ) ) {
				$element = preg_replace_callback( "/$pattern/", 'do_shortcode_tag', $element );

			// Looks like we found some unexpected unfiltered HTML. Skipping it for confidence.
			$element = strtr( $element, $trans );

		// Get element name.
		$front   = array_shift( $attributes );
		$back    = array_pop( $attributes );
		$matches = array();
		preg_match( '%[a-zA-Z0-9]+%', $front, $matches );
		$elname = $matches[0];

		// Look for shortcodes in each attribute separately.
		foreach ( $attributes as &$attr ) {
			$open  = strpos( $attr, '[' );
			$close = strpos( $attr, ']' );
			if ( false === $open || false === $close ) {
				continue; // Go to next attribute. Square braces will be escaped at end of loop.
			$double = strpos( $attr, '"' );
			$single = strpos( $attr, "'" );
			if ( ( false === $single || $open < $single ) && ( false === $double || $open < $double ) ) {
				 * $attr like '[shortcode]' or 'name = [shortcode]' implies unfiltered_html.
				 * In this specific situation we assume KSES did not run because the input
				 * was written by an administrator, so we should avoid changing the output
				 * and we do not need to run KSES here.
				$attr = preg_replace_callback( "/$pattern/", 'do_shortcode_tag', $attr );
			} else {
				 * $attr like 'name = "[shortcode]"' or "name = '[shortcode]'".
				 * We do not know if $content was unfiltered. Assume KSES ran before shortcodes.
				$count    = 0;
				$new_attr = preg_replace_callback( "/$pattern/", 'do_shortcode_tag', $attr, -1, $count );
				if ( $count > 0 ) {
					// Sanitize the shortcode output using KSES.
					$new_attr = wp_kses_one_attr( $new_attr, $elname );
					if ( '' !== trim( $new_attr ) ) {
						// The shortcode is safe to use now.
						$attr = $new_attr;
		$element = $front . implode( '', $attributes ) . $back;

		// Now encode any remaining '[' or ']' chars.
		$element = strtr( $element, $trans );

	$content = implode( '', $textarr );

	return $content;



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