Returns drop-in plugins that WordPress uses.
Includes Multisite drop-ins only when is_multisite()
array[] Key is file name. The value is an array of data about the drop-in....$0
arrayData about the drop-in.0
stringThe purpose of the drop-in.1
string|trueName of the constant that must be true for the drop-in to be used, or true if no constant is required.
function _get_dropins() { $dropins = array( 'advanced-cache.php' => array( __( 'Advanced caching plugin.' ), 'WP_CACHE' ), // WP_CACHE 'db.php' => array( __( 'Custom database class.' ), true ), // Auto on load. 'db-error.php' => array( __( 'Custom database error message.' ), true ), // Auto on error. 'install.php' => array( __( 'Custom installation script.' ), true ), // Auto on installation. 'maintenance.php' => array( __( 'Custom maintenance message.' ), true ), // Auto on maintenance. 'object-cache.php' => array( __( 'External object cache.' ), true ), // Auto on load. 'php-error.php' => array( __( 'Custom PHP error message.' ), true ), // Auto on error. 'fatal-error-handler.php' => array( __( 'Custom PHP fatal error handler.' ), true ), // Auto on error. ); if ( is_multisite() ) { $dropins['sunrise.php'] = array( __( 'Executed before Multisite is loaded.' ), 'SUNRISE' ); // SUNRISE $dropins['blog-deleted.php'] = array( __( 'Custom site deleted message.' ), true ); // Auto on deleted blog. $dropins['blog-inactive.php'] = array( __( 'Custom site inactive message.' ), true ); // Auto on inactive blog. $dropins['blog-suspended.php'] = array( __( 'Custom site suspended message.' ), true ); // Auto on archived or spammed blog. } return $dropins; }
Uses Description is_multisite() wp-includes/load.php
Determines whether Multisite is enabled.
Used by Description WP_Plugins_List_Table::single_row() wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php
get_dropins() wp-admin/includes/plugin.php
Checks the wp-content directory and retrieve all drop-ins with any plugin data.
Version Description 3.0.0 Introduced.
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