File: wp-login.php
Filters the link that allows the user to reset the lost password.
Filters whether to display the Language selector on the login screen.
Filters default arguments for the Languages select input on the login screen.
Filters the “Go to site” link displayed in the login page footer.
Filters the interval for dismissing the admin email confirmation screen.
Fires inside the admin-email-confirm-form form tags, before the hidden fields.
Filters the interval for redirecting the user to the admin email confirmation screen.
Fires before the admin email confirm form.
Filters the link text of the header logo above the login form.
Fires an action hook when the account action has been confirmed by the user.
Filters whether to print the call to `wp_attempt_focus()` on the login screen.
Filters the separator used between login form navigation links.
Filters the title tag content for login page.
Fires in the login page header after the body tag is opened.
Filters the log out redirect URL.
Fires following the ‘Strength indicator’ meter in the user password reset form.
Filters the Multisite sign up URL.
Filters the registration redirect URL.
Fires following the ‘Email’ field in the user registration form.
Filters the login redirect URL.
Filters the login page errors.
Fires following the ‘Password’ field in the login form.
Fires in the login page footer.
Outputs the JavaScript to handle the form shaking on the login page.
Outputs the viewport meta tag for the login page.
Fires when the login form is initialized.
Fires before a specified login form action.
Filters the life span of the post password cookie.
Filters the URL redirected to after submitting the lostpassword/retrievepassword form.
Fires before the lost password form.